Chapter 14: Rotordynamics of a Shaft Assembly Based on a Representative Model of Nelson-Vaugh Rotor

Rotordynamics plays a crucial role in identifying critical speeds, and to ultimately design rotating structures that tolerate extremely high vibrations. This example illustrates the application of rotordynamics analysis procedures using the Nelson-Vaugh rotor model.[1]

A 2D axisymmetric representation of the 3D solid model is used to perform a rotordynamic analysis. The results of the 2D axisymmetric model analyses are compared to the full 3D solid model results.

This problem demonstrates the following concepts and techniques:

  • General axisymmetric meshing of a 3D geometry

  • Disc and bearing modeling

  • Gyroscopic effects in rotating structures and modal analysis

  • Campbell diagram analysis

  • Determination of critical speeds

  • Unbalance response analysis

  • Orbit plot

  • Performance benefits of 2D axisymmetric models