14.4. Material Properties

The unit system for this example problem is shown in the table below.

Unit System Metric (mm, tonne, N)
Angle Degrees
Rotational Velocity rad/s

Material properties of the 3D/2D Model of a Nelson Rotor are shown in the table below.

Density 7.85e-009 tonne/mm3
Young's Modulus 2.0e+005 MPa
Poisson's Ratio 0.3

The properties of the point mass (rigid disk) are shown in the table below.

Mass (X, Y and Z directions) 1.401e-3 tonne
Polar Inertia 2.0 tonne-mm2
Diametral Inertia 13.6 tonne-mm2

The stiffness properties of the two identical orthotropic bearings are shown in the table below.

K11 = K22 3.503e+004 N/mm
K12 = K21 -8.756e+003 N/mm