13.10. Input Files

The following input files are used in this problem:

Cyclic-sector model:

  • sector_model.cdb -- The common database file for the cyclic-sector model of the centrifugal impeller blade

  • surf154_gen.dat -- The common input file for the cyclic-sector model of the centrifugal impeller blade to read SURF154 elements

  • cyclic_modal_analysis.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry modal analysis of the impeller blade

  • cyclic_modal_perturb.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry linear prestressed perturbed modal analysis of the impeller blade

  • cyclic_modal_perturb_nonlinear.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed modal analysis of the impeller blade

  • cyclic_model_harmonic.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry full-harmonic analysis of the impeller blade

  • cyclic_model_nonlinear_perturb_harm.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed full-harmonic analysis of the impeller blade

  • cyclic_model_non_pert_msup_harm.dat -- Input file for the cyclic-symmetry nonlinear prestressed perturbed mode-superposition harmonic analysis of the impeller blade

Full (360-degree) model:

  • full_model.cdb -- The common database file for the full-model analysis of the centrifugal impeller

  • surf154_gen_360_degree.dat -- The common input file for the full-model analysis of the centrifugal impeller to read SURF154 elements

  • full_modal_analysis.dat -- Input file for the modal analysis on the full impeller model

  • full_modal_perturb.dat -- Input file for the linear prestressed perturbed modal analysis on the full impeller model

  • full_model_perturb_nonlinear.dat -- Input file for the nonlinear prestressed perturbed modal analysis on the full impeller model

  • full_model_harmonic.dat -- Input file for the full-harmonic analysis on the full impeller model

  • full_model_nonlinear_perturb_harm.dat -- Input file for the nonlinear prestressed perturbed full-harmonic analysis on the full impeller model