6.1. Postprocessing Complex Results

The results obtained from a modal or harmonic analysis are complex. They require specific postprocessing procedures detailed in POST1 and POST26 – Complex Results Postprocessing in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. The main procedures are given below.

6.1.1. In POST1

The general postprocessor POST1 allows you to review the solution at a specific excitation frequency after a harmonic analysis, or for a specific damped frequency after a complex modal analysis.

The SET command provides options to define the data set to be read from the results file. Specifically, the KIMG argument is used for complex results as follows:

  • the real part (KIMG = REAL)

  • the imaginary part (KIMG = IMAG)

  • the amplitude (KIMG = AMPL)

  • the phase (KIMG = PHAS)

It is also possible to store your solution at a given angle into the database using the HRCPLX command.

Once the desired data is stored in the database, you may use any postprocessing command to create graphics displays or tabular listings. See Reviewing Results in POST1 in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information.

6.1.2. In POST26

After a harmonic analysis, the time-history postprocessor (POST26) allows you to review your results at a specific location as a function of the frequency.

The general procedure for complex results processing follows that found in The Time-History Postprocessor (POST26) in the Basic Analysis Guide.

When plotting complex data, PLVAR plots the amplitude by default. You can switch to plotting the phase angle or the real part or the imaginary part via the PLCPLX command.

When listing complex data, PRVAR printout the real and imaginary parts by default. You can switch to listing the amplitude and phase via the PRCPLX command.