4.18. MPC184 Joint

The TB,JOIN option enables you to impose linear and nonlinear elastic stiffness and damping behavior or Coulomb friction behavior on the available components of relative motion of an MPC184 joint element. Support for these behaviors varies among the different types of joints, as follows:

The TB command may be repeated with the same material ID number to specify both the stiffness and damping behavior.

4.18.1. Linear Elastic Stiffness and Damping Behavior

Input the linear stiffness or damping behavior for the relevant components of relative motion of a joint element by specifying the terms as part of a 6 x 6 matrix with data-table commands as described below.

The 6 x 6 matrix for linear stiffness or damping behavior is:

Enter the stiffness or damping coefficient of the matrix in the data table with TB set of commands. Initialize the constant table with TB,JOIN,,,,STIF (for stiffness behavior) or TB,JOIN,,,,DAMP (for damping behavior). Define the temperature with TBTEMP, followed by the relevant constants input with TBDATA commands. Matrix terms are linearly interpolated between temperature points. Based on the joint type, the relevant constant specification is as follows:

Joint Element Constant Meaning
x-axis Revolute joint C16Term D44
z-axis Revolute joint C21Term D66
Universal joint C16, C18, C21Terms D44, D64, D66
Slot joint C1Term D11
Point-in-plane joint C7, C8, C12Terms D22, D32, D33
Translational joint C1Term D11
x-axis Cylindrical joint C1, C4, C16Terms D11, D41, D44
z-axis Cylindrical joint C12, C15, C21Terms D33, D63, D66
x-axis Planar joint C7, C8, C9, C12, C13, C16Terms D22, D32, D42, D33, D43, D44
z-axis Planar joint C1, C2, C6, C7, C11, C21Terms D11, D21, D61, D22, D62, D66
Spherical jointC16, C18, C21Terms D44, D55, D66
General joint Use appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom.---
Screw joint C12, C15, C21Terms D33, D63, D66
Spotweld jointC11 - C21Terms D11 - D66
Genb jointUse appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom.---

The following example define the uncoupled linear elastic stiffness behavior for a universal joint at the two available components of relative motion, with two temperature points:

TB,JOIN,1,2,,STIF	! Activate JOIN material model with linear elastic stiffness 
TBTEMP,100.0		! Define first temperature
TBDATA,16,D44		! Define constant D44 in the local ROTX direction
TBDATA,21,D66		! Define constant D66 in the local ROTZ direction
TBTEMP,200.0		! Define second temperature 
TBDATA,16,D44		! Define constant D44 in the local ROTX direction.
TBDATA,21,D66		! Define constant D66 in the local ROTZ direction.

4.18.2. Nonlinear Elastic Stiffness and Damping Behavior

You can specify nonlinear elastic stiffness as a displacement (rotation) versus force (moment) curve using the TB,JOIN command with a suitable TBOPT setting.

Use the TBPT command to specify the data points or specify the name of a function that defines the curve on the TB command. (Use the Function Tool to generate the specified function.) The values may be temperature-dependent.

You can specify nonlinear damping behavior in a similar manner by supplying velocity versus damping force (or moment).

The appropriate TBOPT labels for each joint element type are shown in the following tables. For a description of each TBOPT label, see "JOIN -- Joint Element Specifications" in the TB command documentation.

Nonlinear Stiffness Behavior
Joint Element TBOPT on TB command
x-axis Revolute joint JNSA, JNS4
z-axis Revolute joint JNSA, JNS6
Universal joint JNSA, JNS4, and JNS6
Slot joint JNSA and JNS1
Point-in-plane joint JNSA, JNS2, and JNS3
Translational joint JNSA and JNS1
x-axis Cylindrical joint JNSA, JNS1, and JNS4
z-axis Cylindrical joint JNSA, JNS3, and JNS6
x-axis Planar joint JNSA, JNS2, JNS3, and JNS4
z-axis Planar joint JNSA, JNS1, JNS2, and JNS6
Spherical jointJNSA, JNS4, JNS5, JNS6
General joint Use appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom
Screw joint JNSA, JNS3, and JNS6
Spotweld jointJNSA, JNS1, JNS2, JNS3, JNS4, JNS5, JNS6
Genb jointUse appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom
Nonlinear Damping Behavior
Joint Element TBOPT on TB command
x-axis Revolute joint JNDA, JND4
z-axis Revolute joint JNDA, JND6
Universal joint JNDA, JND4, JND6
Slot joint JNDA, JND1
Point-in-plane joint JNDA, JND2, JND3
Translational joint JNDA, JND1
x-axis Cylindrical joint JNDA, JND1, JND4
z-axis Cylindrical joint JNDA, JND3, JND6
x-axis Planar joint JNDA, JND2, JND3, JND4
z-axis Planar joint JNDA, JND1, JND2, JND6
General joint Use appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom
Screw joint JNDA, JND3, JND6
Spotweld jointJNDA, JND1, JND2, JND3, JND4, JND5, JND6
Genb jointUse appropriate entries based on unconstrained degrees of freedom

The following example specifies nonlinear stiffness behavior for a revolute joint having only one available component of relative motion (the rotation around the axis of revolution). Two temperature points are specified.

TBPT,,rotation_value_2,moment_value_2 Specifying a Function Describing Nonlinear Stiffness Behavior

When specifying a function that describes the nonlinear stiffness behavior, the Function Tool enables the force to be defined as a function of temperature and relative displacement; the two independent variables are named as TEMP and DJU. Similarly, when specifying a function that describes the nonlinear damping behavior, the Function Tool enables the damping force to be defined as a function of temperature and relative velocity; the two independent variables are identified as TEMP and DJV.

Example  —  Consider a function where the damping force varies with temperature and relative velocity:

F = (-0.005 * Temperature + 0.25) * Relative Velocity

Define the function using the Function Editor, then retrieve and load it using the Function Loader. (The editor and the loader are both components of the Function Tool.)

Assuming a function name of dampfunc, you can then use the TB command to define the joint material:

TB, JOIN, 1, , , JND4, , %dampfunc%

For more information about the Function Tool utility, see Using the Function Tool in the Basic Analysis Guide.

4.18.3. Frictional Behavior

Frictional behavior along the unrestrained components of relative motion influences the overall behavior of the Joints. You can model Coulomb friction for joint elements via the TB,JOIN command with an appropriate TBOPT label. The joint frictional behavior can be specified only for the following joints: Revolute joint, Slot joint, Translational joint, Spherical joint.

The friction parameters are described below.

Coulomb Friction Coefficient Specification

There are three options for defining the Coulomb friction coefficient.

  • Define a single value of the Coulomb friction coefficient by specifying TBOPT = MUSx, where the value of x depends on the joint under consideration. Use the TBDATA command to specify the value of the friction coefficient.

  • Define the Coulomb friction coefficient as a function of the sliding velocity. Use TBOPT = MUSx (as stated above) and use the TBPT command to specify the data values.

  • Use the exponential law for friction behavior. Specify TBOPT = EXPx, where the value of x depends on the joint under consideration, and use the TBDATA command to specify the values required for the exponential law. In this case, the TBDATA command format is:

    TBDATA, μs, μd, c

    where μs is the coefficient of friction in the static regime, μd is the coefficient of friction in the dynamic regime, and c is the decay coefficient.

Maximum or Critical Force/Moment

  • The maximum allowable value of critical force/moment can be specified using TBOPT = TMXx, where x depends on the joint under consideration.

Elastic Slip

  • The elastic slip can be specified by setting TBOPT = SLx, where x depends on the joint under consideration.

  • If the stick-stiffness value is not specified, then this value along with the critical force/moment is used to determine the stick-stiffness.

  • If the elastic slip is not specified, then a default value is computed for stick-stiffness calculations if necessary. The default value for the translational joint and the slot joint is set to 0.005*h, where h is a characteristic length value computed from overall dimensions of the model. The value of h defaults to 1.0 if a characteristic length cannot be computed properly. The default value for the revolute joint is set to 0.001 radians and 0.02 radians for spherical joint.

  • The frictional behavior is implemented using a penalty method. Thus, there will be relative elastic slip even when sticking conditions prevail. The amount of elastic slip depends on the value specified for elastic slip. In some cases, the default values may result in large elastic slip. Therefore, you should specify an amount of elastic slip that is appropriate for your model.


  • A stick-stiffness value can be specified for controlling the behavior in the stick regime when friction behavior is specified. Use TBOPT = SKx, where x depends on the joint under consideration.

  • If the stick-stiffness value is not specified, then the following procedure is adopted:

    • If both maximum force/moment and elastic slip are specified, then the stick-stiffness is calculated from these values.

    • If only maximum force/moment is specified, then a default elastic slip is computed and then the stick-stiffness is calculated.

    • If only the elastic slip is specified, then the stick-stiffness value is computed based on the current normal force/moment (Friction Coefficient * Normal Force or Moment/elastic-slip).

Interference Fit Force/Moment

  • If the forces that are generated during a joint assembly have to be modeled, the interference fit force/moment can be specified using TBOPT = FIx, where x depends on the joint under consideration. This force/moment will contribute to the normal force/moment in friction calculations.

The appropriate TBOPT labels (TB command) for each joint element type are shown in the table below:

TBOPT Labels for Elements Supporting Coulomb Friction
Friction Parameter x-axis Revolute Joint z-axis Revolute Joint Slot Joint Translational Joint Spherical Joint
Static Friction MUS4MUS6MUS1MUS1MUS6
Exponential Friction LawEXP4EXP6EXP1EXP1--
Max. Allowable Shear Force/MomentTMX4TMX6TMX1TMX1--
Elastic SlipSL4SL6SL1SL1SL6
Interference Fit Force/MomentFI4FI6FI1FI1--

The following examples illustrate how to specify Coulomb friction parameters for various scenarios.

Example 1  —  Specifying a single value of coefficient of friction and other friction parameters for an x-axis revolute joint.

TB, JOIN, 1, , , MUS4     ! Label for friction coefficient
TBDATA, 1, 0.1            ! Value of coefficient of friction
TB, JOIN, 1, , , SK4      ! Label for stick-stiffness 
TBDATA, 1, 3.0E4          ! Value for stick-stiffness
TB, JOIN, 1, , , FI4      ! Label for interference fit force
TBDATA, 1, 10000.00       ! Value for interference fit force

Example 2  —  Specifying temperature dependent friction coefficient and other friction parameters for a z-axis revolution joint.

TB, JOIN, 1,2 , 1, MUS6    ! 2 temp points, 2 data points and label for friction coefficient
TBTEMP, 10                 ! 1st temperature 
TBDATA, 1, 0.15            ! Value of coefficient of friction
TBTEMP, 20                 ! 2nd temperature
TBDATA, 1, 0.1             ! Value of coefficient of friction
TB, JOIN, 1, , , SK4       ! Label for stick-stiffness 
TBDATA, 1, 3.0E4           ! Value for stick-stiffness
TB, JOIN, 1, , , FI4       ! Label for interference fit force
TBDATA, 1, 10000.00        ! Value for interference fit force

Example 3  —  Specifying the exponential law for friction and other friction parameters for a z-axis revolute joint.

TB, JOIN, 1, , , EXP6       ! Label for friction coefficient
TBDATA, 1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.5    ! Static friction coeff, dynamic friction coeff, decay constant
TB, JOIN, 1, , , SK6        ! Label for stick-stiffness 
TBDATA, 1, 3.0E4            ! Value for stick-stiffness

Example 4  —  Specifying friction as a function of sliding velocity for a slot joint.

TB, JOIN, 1, , 3, MUS1       ! Label for friction coefficient
TBPT, , 1.0, 0.15            ! Sliding velocity, coefficient of friction
TBPT, , 5.0, 0.10            ! Sliding velocity, coefficient of friction
TBPT, , 10.0, 0.09           ! Sliding velocity, coefficient of friction
TB, JOIN, 1, , , TMX1        ! Label for max allowable frictional force 
TBDATA, 1, 3.0E4             ! Value for max allowable frictional force
TB, JOIN, 1, , , SL1         ! Label for elastic slip 
TBDATA, 1, 0.04              ! Value of elastic slip