OUTPR, Item, Freq, Cname
Controls the solution printout.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Item for print control:



Basic quantities (nodal DOF solution, nodal reaction loads, and element solution) (default).



Nodal DOF solution.



Nodal reaction loads.



Element solution.



Element nodal loads. When nonlinear stabilization is active, the stabilization force/moments are also printed.



Stabilization force/moment at the applicable nodes (valid only when nonlinear stabilization is active).



Element energies. When nonlinear stabilization is active, the energy dissipation due to stabilization is also printed.



Result section force/moment output (valid only when a result section is defined). Result section output is always written to a file named Jobname.secf.



Nodal velocity (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE,TRANS)).



Nodal acceleration (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE,TRANS)).



All of the above solution items.


Print solution for this item every Freqth (and the last) substep of each load step. If -n, print up to n equally spaced solutions (only applies to static or full transient analyses when automatic time stepping is enabled). If NONE, suppress all printout for this item for this load step. If ALL, print solution for this item for every substep. If LAST, print solution for this item only for the last substep of each load step. For a modal analysis, use NONE or ALL.


Name of the component, created with the CM command, defining the selected set of nodes or elements for which this specification is active. If blank, the set is all entities.

Note:  The component named must be of the same type as the item, i.e. nodal or element. A component name is not allowed with the BASIC, RSFO, or ALL labels.

Command Default

No printout.


Controls the solution items to be printed, the frequency with which they are printed (in static, transient, or harmonic analyses), and the set of nodes or elements to which this specification applies (in static, full transient, or full harmonic analyses). An item is associated with either a node (NSOL, RFORCE, V, and A items) or an element (all of the remaining items). The specifications are processed in the order that they are input. Use OUTPR,STAT to list the current specifications and use OUTPR,ERASE to erase all the current specifications.

In addition to OUTPR, OUTRES and OUTGEOM also control solution output. You can issue up to 50 of these output-control commands (any combination of the three) in an analysis.

As described above, OUTPR writes some or all items (depending on analysis type) for all elements. To restrict the solution printout, use OUTPR to selectively suppress (Freq = NONE) the writing of solution data, or first suppress the writing of all solution data (OUTPR,ALL,NONE) and then selectively turn on the writing of solution data with subsequent OUTPR commands.

If the generalized plane strain feature is active and OUTPR is issued, the change of fiber length at the ending point during deformation and the rotation of the ending plane about X and Y during deformation will be printed if any displacement at the nodes is printed. The reaction forces at the ending point will be printed if any reaction force at the nodes is printed.

Nodal reaction loads (Item = RSOL) are processed according to the specifications listed for the PRRSOL command.

Result printouts for interactive sessions are suppressed for models with more than 10 elements except when the printout is redirected to a file using the /OUTPUT command.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

For details on DMP handling of OUTPR, see Differences in Solution Processing in the Parallel Processing Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Solu Printout
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Solu Printout