O Commands

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OCDATA - Defines an ocean load using non-table data.
OCDELETE - Deletes a previously defined ocean load.
OCLIST - Summarizes all currently defined ocean loads.
OCREAD - Reads externally defined ocean data.
OCTABLE - Defines an ocean load using table data.
OCTYPE - Specifies the type of ocean load data to follow.
OCZONE - Specifies the type of ocean zone data to follow.
OMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure.
OPERATE - Specifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic.
OPNCONTROL - Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the time step interval in a pure thermal analysis.
OSRESULT - Controls the selected result data written to the database.
OUTAERO - Outputs the superelement matrices and load vectors to formatted files for aeroelastic analysis.
OUTGEOM - Controls geometry-related data written to the results file.
OUTOPT - Specifies "Output options" as the subsequent status topic.
OUTPR - Controls the solution printout.
/OUTPUT - Redirects text output to a file or to the screen.
OUTRES - Controls the solution-result data written to the database.