Sets element key options.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Element type number as defined on the ET command.

The following labels are valid input for contact elements:



Set element key options for all contact element types, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177.



Set element key options for all target element types, TARGE169 and TARGE170.



Set element key options for all contact element types used in a general contact definition (that is, all contact elements having a real constant set number = 0). See Notes for additional information specific to general contact.



Set element key options for all joint element types (MPC184 with KEYOPT(1) > 2). Valid for joint elements only. See Notes for additional information specific to joint elements.


Number of the KEYOPT to be defined (KEYOPT(KNUM)).


Value of this KEYOPT.


The KEYOPT command is an alternative method for inputting element key option (KEYOPT) values via the ET command. (Issue the ET command first to define ITYPE).

The KEYOPT command is required for inputting key options numbered higher than six (that is, > KEYOPT(6)).

Special Usage for Structural Elements

If ETCONTROL,SET is enabled, key options that you specify via the KEYOPT command might be overridden for many structural elements. For more information, see Automatic Selection of Element Technologies and Formulations in the Element Reference.

Special Usage for General Contact

Specify ITYPE = GCN to set element key options for all contact element types used in a general contact definition. You can selectively set element key options for multiple contact element types in a general contact definition by setting ITYPE to a valid label (ALL_EDGE, ALL_FACE, ALL_VERT, ALL_TOP, or ALL_BOT) or by inputting a node component name with or without a component name extension (_EDGE, _FACE, _VERT, _TOP, or _BOT). For more information, see Defining Non-Default Contact Settings in the Contact Technology Guide.

Special Usage for Joint Elements

Specify ITYPE = JOIN to set element key options for all joint element types in the model. Use this option to switch between Lagrange Multiplier-based and penalty-based joint element formulations.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete