8.7. Defining Non-Default Contact Settings

Each contact element type includes a number of key options (KEYOPTs) that control contact algorithms and other settings. General contact uses some of these key options in the same way as pair-based contact. However, some key options may be set to a different value by the GCGEN command, or they may not be used by general contact. The table below summarizes the contact element key options and how they are used differently for pair-based contact and general contact.

Table 8.1: KEYOPT Settings for Pair-Based vs. General Contact

KEYOPTDescriptionPair-Based Contact DefaultGeneral Contact DefaultComments for General Contact Usage
1Selects DOFManualAutomatic DOF selection based on underlying elementsNot applicable to CONTA175 and CONTA177
2Contact AlgorithmAugmented LagrangePenaltyGCGEN sets KEYOPT(2) = 1
3 (CONTA172 and CONTA174)Unit control for normal contact stiffnessNo unit controln/aThis KEYOPT is not supported
3 (CONTA175)Vertex contact typeContact force-based modelContact traction-based modelGCGEN sets KEYOPT(3) = 1
3 (CONTA177)Beam/edge contact typeParallel beamsMixed parallel and crossing beamsGCGEN sets KEYOPT(3) = 2
4Location of contact detection point

Gauss point for CONTA172 and CONTA174

Normal to target surface for CONTA175 and CONTA177

Gauss point for CONTA172 and CONTA174

Normal to target surface for CONTA175 and CONTA177

KEYOPT(4) = 3 and 4 are not supported for CONTA177
5CNOF/ICONT adjustmentNo adjustment No adjustment  
6Contact stiffness variationUse default rangeUse default range 
7Element level time increment controlNo controlNo controlKEYOPT(7) = 4 is not supported
8Asymmetric contact selectionNo actionn/aThis KEYOPT is not used and is replaced by GCDEF,Option
9Effect of initial penetration or gapInclude alln/aThis KEYOPT is not used and is replaced by TBDATA,,C1. The default behavior is to exclude effects of initial penetration/gap
10Contact stiffness updateBetween iterationsBetween iterationsGCGEN sets KEYOPT(10) = 0
11Beam/shell thickness effectExclude

Include for CONTA172 and CONTA174

Exclude for CONTA175

GCGEN sets KEYOPT(11) = 1 for CONTA172 and CONTA174

KEYOPT(11) = 1 for CONTA177 when the underlying elements are beams

12Behavior of contact surfaceStandardn/aThis KEYOPT is not used and is replaced by TB,INTER,,,TBOPT
13Degree of freedom control for contact involving thermal shellsTEMPn/aThis KEYOPT is not supported


(CONTA172 and CONTA174)
Behavior of fluid penetration loadIteration-basedn/aThis KEYOPT is not supported


Multiple target segmentsOne segmentFour segmentsGCGEN sets KEYOPT(14) = 1
15Effect of stabilization dampingActive only in first load stepActive only in first load step 
16Squeal damping controlsDamping scaling factorn/aThis KEYOPT is not supported
18Sliding behaviorFinite slidingFinite sliding 

The default settings assigned by GCGEN are the recommended settings. They are suitable for most contact simulations. For some specific applications, you may need to override the defaults. Use the KEYOPT command to define non-default settings for a specific general contact surface identified by a unique element type ID:


If you do not know the element type ID (ITYPE), you may prefer to input a node component that contains nodes on the surface of interest. See Identifying General Contact Surfaces for details.

In the following example, the projection-based contact formulation is specified for a surface that is identified by an element type ID associated with a predefined nodal component:


An extension can be added to the component name to limit the scope of the element type IDs used from the node component, as described in Specifying General Contact Interactions Between Nodal Components. The labels ALL_EDGE, ALL_FACE, ALL_VERT, ALL_TOP, and ALL_BOT can also be input on the KEYOPT command to identify the general contact surface. (See the GCDEF command for details of the meaning of each label.)

To set an element key option for all contact element types in the general contact definition, input the label GCN instead of an ID number in the ITYPE field:


The above command must be issued after the GCGEN command.

You can define general contact elements manually using the ESURF command instead of using GCGEN. However, contact elements created by ESURF use the pair-based default settings. You should consider changing the settings manually for these elements so that they correspond to the general contact default values.