K Commands

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K - Defines a keypoint.
KATT - Associates attributes with the selected, unmeshed keypoints.
KBC - Specifies ramped or stepped loading within a load step.
KBETW - Creates a keypoint between two existing keypoints.
KCENTER - Creates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by three locations.
KCLEAR - Deletes nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints.
KDELE - Deletes unmeshed keypoints.
KDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two keypoints.
KEEP - Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session.
KESIZE - Specifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint.
KEYOPT - Sets element key options.
KEYPTS - Specifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic.
KEYW - Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).
KFILL - Generates keypoints between two keypoints.
KGEN - Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
KL - Generates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line.
KLIST - Lists the defined keypoints or hard points.
KMESH - Generates nodes and point elements at keypoints.
KMODIF - Modifies an existing keypoint.
KMOVE - Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection.
KNODE - Defines a keypoint at an existing node location.
KPLOT - Displays the selected keypoints.
KPSCALE - Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
KREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified keypoints.
*KRON - Computes the Kronecker product of two matrices/vectors, .
KRYOPT - Specifies solution options for a Krylov method harmonic analysis.
KSCALE - Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern.
KSCON - Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed.
KSEL - Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.
KSLL - Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.
KSLN - Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.
KSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints.
KSYMM - Generates a reflected set of keypoints.
KTRAN - Transfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system.
KUSE - Specifies whether or not to reuse factorized matrices.
KWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of keypoints.
KWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three keypoints.