2.2. DATABASE Commands

These commands operate on the database in a global sense. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.5: Setup

These DATABASE commands initialize the database, save it to a file, or annotate it with titles and systems of units.
/CLEARClears the database. 
RESUMEResumes the database from the database file. 
SAVESaves all current database information. 
/SMBCControls the display of solid model boundary condition symbols and labels. 
STATDisplays the status of database settings. 
/STITLEDefines subtitles. 
/TITLEDefines a main title. 
UNDOEnables modifying or saving commands issued since the last RESUME or SAVE command.  
/UNITSAnnotates the database with the system of units used. 

Table 2.6: Selecting

These DATABASE commands select subsets of database entities for further operations.
ALLSELSelects all entities with a single command. 
ASLLSelects those areas containing the selected lines. 
ASELSelects a subset of areas. 
ASLVSelects those areas contained in the selected volumes. 
DOFSELSelects a degree-of-freedom label set for reference by other commands. 
ESELSelects a subset of elements. 
ESLASelects those elements associated with the selected areas. 
ESLLSelects those elements associated with the selected lines. 
ESLNSelects those elements attached to the selected nodes. 
ESLVSelects elements associated with the selected volumes. 
KSELSelects a subset of keypoints or hard points. 
KSLLSelects those keypoints contained in the selected lines. 
KSLNSelects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes. 
LSELSelects a subset of lines. 
LSLASelects those lines contained in the selected areas. 
LSLKSelects those lines containing the selected keypoints. 
NSELSelects a subset of nodes. 
NSLASelects those nodes associated with the selected areas. 
NSLESelects those nodes attached to the selected elements. 
NSLKSelects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints. 
NSLLSelects those nodes associated with the selected lines. 
NSLVSelects those nodes associated with the selected volumes. 
VSELSelects a subset of volumes. 
VSLASelects those volumes containing the selected areas. 

Table 2.7: Components

These DATABASE commands enable selected subsets of entities to be named as components for easy selection later on.
CMGroups geometry items into a component. 
CMDELEDeletes a component or assembly definition. 
CMEDITEdits an existing component or assembly. 
CMGRPGroups components and assemblies into an assembly. 
CMLISTLists the entities contained in a component or assembly. 
CMMODModifies the specification of a component. 
CMPLOTPlots the entities contained in a component or assembly. 
CMSELSelects a subset of components and assemblies. 
CMWRITEWrites components and assemblies to a file. 

Table 2.8: Working Plane

These DATABASE commands activate, move, rotate, and modify the working plane, which is used for picking operations.
KWPAVEMoves the working plane origin to the average location of keypoints. 
KWPLANDefines the working plane using three keypoints. 
LWPLANDefines the working plane normal to a location on a line. 
NWPAVEMoves the working plane origin to the average location of nodes. 
NWPLANDefines the working plane using three nodes. 
WPAVEMoves the working plane origin to the average of specified points. 
WPCSYSDefines the working plane location based on a coordinate system. 
WPLANEDefines a working plane to assist in picking operations. 
WPOFFSOffsets the working plane. 
WPROTARotates the working plane. 
WPSTYLControls the display and style of the working plane. 

Table 2.9: Coordinate System

These DATABASE commands define and manipulate coordinate systems.
CLOCALDefines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system. 
CSDefines a local coordinate system by three node locations. 
CSCIRLocates the singularity for non-Cartesian local coordinate systems. 
CSDELEDeletes local coordinate systems. 
CSKPDefines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations. 
CSLISTLists coordinate systems. 
CSWPLADefines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working plane. 
CSYSActivates a previously defined coordinate system. 
LOCALDefines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation. 

Table 2.10: Picking

These DATABASE commands are generated by the GUI when picking operations are performed.
FITEMIdentifies items chosen by a picking operation (GUI). 
FLSTSpecifies data required for a picking operation (GUI).