2.1. SESSION Commands

These commands provide general control to the session. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.1: Run Controls

These SESSION commands control the overall characteristics of the session, including the jobname, Graphical User Interface behavior, and file switching.
/BATCHSets the program mode to "batch." 
/CONFIGAssigns values to configuration parameters. 
/CWDChanges the current working directory. 
/EOFExits the file being read. 
/EXITStops the run and returns control to the system. 
/FILNAMEChanges the jobname for the analysis. 
HELPDisplays help information for commands and element types. 
/INPUTSwitches the input file for the commands that follow. 
KEYWSets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI). 
MEMMEnables the current session to keep allocated memory. 
/MENUActivates the Graphical User Interface (GUI). 
/MSTARTControls the initial GUI components. 
/NERRLimits the number of warning and error messages displayed. 
/OUTPUTRedirects text output to a file or to the screen. 
PAUSETemporarily releases (pauses) the currently used product license so that another application can use it. 
/STATUSLists the status of items for the run. 
/SYPPasses a command string and arguments to the operating system. 
/SYSPasses a command string to the operating system. 
/UIActivates specified GUI dialog boxes. 
/UISControls the GUI behavior. 
UNPAUSERestores use of a temporarily released (paused) product license. (Applicable only after a previously issued PAUSE command.) 

Table 2.2: Processor Entry

These SESSION commands enter and exit the various processors in the program.
/AUX2Enters the binary file dumping processor. 
/AUX3Enters the results file editing processor. 
/AUX12Enters the radiation matrix generation processor. 
/AUX15Enters the IGES file transfer processor. 
FINISHExits normally from a processor. 
/MAPEnters the mapping processor. 
/POST1Enters the database results postprocessor. 
/POST26Enters the time-history results postprocessor. 
/PREP7Enters the model creation preprocessor. 
/QUITExits a processor. 
/SOLUEnters the solution processor. 

Table 2.3: Files

These SESSION commands control file operations, such as deleting, copying, and listing.
ANSTOAQWACreates an AQWA-LINE input file from the current model. 
ANSTOASASCreates an ASAS input file from the current model. 
/ASSIGNReassigns a file name to a file identifier. 
/CLOGCopies the session log file to a named file. 
/COPYCopies a file. 
/DELETEDeletes a file. 
/FCLEANDeletes all local files in all processors in a distributed-memory parallel processing run. 
/FCOMPSpecifies file compression level. 
/FDELEDeletes a binary file after it is used. 
LGWRITEWrites the database command log to a file. 
*LISTDisplays the contents of an external, coded file. 
/RENAMERenames a file. 
/UPFLinks user-programmable routines into Mechanical APDL. 

Table 2.4: List Controls

These SESSION commands control listings and printed program output.
C***Places a comment in the output. 
/COMPlaces a comment in the output. 
/GOReactivates suppressed printout. 
/GOLISTReactivates the suppressed data input listing. 
/GOPRReactivates suppressed printout. 
/NOLISTSuppresses the data input listing. 
/NOPRSuppresses the expanded interpreted input data listing.