Exits normally from a processor.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


This command exits any of the Mechanical APDL processors.

When exiting the Mechanical APDL processors, data remains intact in the database, but the database is not automatically written to a file. (Issue SAVE to write the database to a file.)

If exiting POST1 or POST26:

  • POST1: Data in the database remains intact (including the POST1 element table data, the path table data, the fatigue table data, and the load case pointers).

  • POST26: Data in the database remains intact, except that POST26 variables are erased and specification commands (such as FILE, PRTIME, and NPRINT) are reset. Issue /QUIT to exit the processor and bypass these exceptions.

See /QUIT for an alternate processor exit command.

This command is valid in any processor. This command is not valid at the Begin level.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Finish