4.4. Wizard Step 3: Postprocessing Options

In the Postprocessing Options step:

  • Select the post-build processing steps you want to simulate, such as base unbolting, heat treatment, and base and/or support removal. The default sequence for post processing will be base unbolting, heat treatment, support removal, and then base removal at the end, depending on which options are chosen. In the case of multiple supports, removal will be in the order that the supports were added. To reorder how the steps will be performed in the simulation, exit or finish out of the wizard and then modify the sequence directly in Mechanical using the AM Process Sequence worksheet.

  • Click Add Results to add standard result items to the project tree, specifically Temperature for a thermal system and Total Deformation, Equivalent Stress, and Equivalent Total Strain for the structural system. Also, select LPBF result items to be calculated during solution, such as Hotspot, Recoater Interference, and High Strain. Specify criteria for warning and critical thresholds for these LPBF result items, or add multiple versions with different criteria for comparison.

Action buttons are described in the following table.

Action ButtonFunctionAction ButtonFunction
Apply Changes
Click to apply the actions for this wizard step, which updates the project tree. If you make changes, click Apply Changes again.Help
Click to bring up help for this wizard step.
Add Results
Click to add standard result items to the tree, specifically Temperature (for a thermal system) and Total Deformation, Equivalent Stress, and Equivalent Total Strain (for the structural system), and the specified LPBF result items, specifically Hotspot, Recoater Interference, and High Strain.

Click Add Results again to add multiple LPBF result items, perhaps with different criteria defined for each.

Note that if the standard result items mentioned above are already in the project tree, new ones will not be added by the wizard. However, if LPBF-specific result items are already in the project tree, new ones will be added by the wizard.

Click to go back to the previous wizard step.
Read from Tree
Click to read the status of objects in the project tree and update the wizard input fields accordingly. Think of this as the opposite action of Apply Changes, which updates the objects in the project tree with inputs from the wizard.

For this step of the wizard, only objects in the tree related to the sequencer are read.

Click to apply changes to all steps sequentially and then exit the wizard. (This includes mesh generation even if you may have already generated a mesh.)
Save Template
Click to save wizard inputs as a template. Navigate to the desired folder, enter a file name, and click Save. The file is saved as an xml file.

The items saved on the xml file include materials, mesh settings, build settings, and postprocessing options. Geometry selections and advanced options involving geometry selections/picks are not included in saved templates.

Use Load Template in the Model Setup step to use a template in subsequent simulations.

Exit Wizard
Click to exit the wizard. Any actions you have performed using Apply Changes will be maintained in the project tree. No additional actions will be performed upon exit.

Input fields are described in the following table.

Input FieldsDescription
Post Processing Steps: Base Unbolting


Choose Base Unbolting to simulate the base plate being unbolted from the machine after the build and cooldown processes are complete. Specifically, the constraints for UX, UY, and UZ will be removed from the base plate nodes and weak springs are turned on in Analysis Settings. Unbolting the base prior to heat treatment can be especially important to prevent any artificial stress in the base due to fixed boundary conditions and thermal expansion during heating.

Affects these tree objects: AM Process Sequence worksheet, Analysis Settings

Post Processing Steps: Heat Treat


Choose Heat Treat to simulate a heat treatment process, such as annealing, to relieve residual stresses. In an annealing process, metal is heated in a furnace to a particular high temperature, held there for a long time (hours or days), and then allowed to cool slowly.
  • Heat Treat Geometry Selection Select all the bodies in the model, including the base plate. By default, all bodies are selected for you. (Note: Any STL Supports present in the model are selected for heat treatment although they are not included in the body count.)

  • Heat Treat Temperature is the temperature for the isothermal hold.

  • Heat Treat Convection Coefficient is the convection coefficient of the gas in the furnace.

  • Heat Treat Ramp Time is the time, in seconds, to ramp up to the Heat Treat Temperature.

  • Heat Treat Hold Time is the isothermal temperature duration, in seconds.

  • Heat Treat Cooldown Time is the time, in seconds, allowed for cooldown.

Choose one of the following properties as the mechanism to account for the stress relaxation:

  • Creep Properties uses a creep model as the mechanism for stress relief. When using this option:

    Important:  Be aware that changes in Engineering Data, such as suppressing/unsuppressing the creep material model, causes the wizard to refresh the whole Workbench project. Any other upstream changes made to the project, including changes to geometry, will be updated during this process.

  • Relaxation Temperature is the temperature at which strains begin to soften. It is lower than the melting temperature. Using the Relaxation Temperature option is a simplified approach resulting in an abrupt stress relaxation.

Affects these tree objects: AM Process Sequence worksheet, Analysis Settings, and Imported Load under Static Structural system. Adds a Transient Thermal system with all its child objects.

Note:  We strongly recommend you also choose the Base Unbolting option if you choose Heat Treatment. Unbolting the base prior to heat treatment can be especially important to prevent any artificial stress in the base due to fixed boundary conditions and thermal expansion during heating.

Post Processing Steps: Base Removal


Choose Base Removal to simulate the removal of the build from the base.

Base Removal Type determines how the base is removed from the analysis at the end of cooldown:

  • Instantaneous simulates instantaneous cutoff at the base (bottom layer of elements only).

  • Directional simulates a progressive cutoff at the base (bottom layer of elements only), in which you specify the distance of each cut increment and the angular direction for removal from the base.

    • Removal Step Size is the distance removed in each cut step. Cannot be 0 or a negative number.

    • Removal Direction is the directional cutoff angle on the X-Y plane as measured from the +X axis. For example, a value of 90 results in a cutoff direction in the +Y direction.

Affects these tree objects: AM Process Sequence worksheet and Analysis Settings under Static Structural system

Post Processing Steps: Support Removal


Choose Support Removal to simulate the instantaneous removal of the supports from the part bodies. In the case of multiple supports, removal will be in the order that the supports were added.

Affects these tree objects: AM Process Sequence worksheet and Analysis Settings under Static Structural system

LPBF Results: Hotspot


Choose Hotspot to add an LPBF Hotspot result item to your project so that the appropriate data is written out during solution. Available only for simulations with thermal solves (LPBF Thermal-Structural simulation). The Hotspot result tool is used to identify areas of overheating that may result in problematic thermal conditions.

Threshold Definition: Either None or User Defined:

  • None (default): The result tool will show the temperature of each layer right before the next layer is added. The most concerning hotspots are going to be the areas with the highest temperature for that layer. Results are localized (based on nodal values), not averaged across the layer. Use a section plane to reveal hotspots inside the part.

  • User Defined: You define your own warning and critical thresholds:

    • Warning Threshold: Temperature above which results are considered a warning.

    • Critical Threshold: Temperature above which results are considered critical.

Important:  The data is based on the temperature that the build cools down to at the end of each layer right before the next layer is added. It does not represent the "final state" of temperatures at the end of the cooldown step.

For more information about interpreting results after the simulation is solved, see Review Results.

Affects these tree objects: LPBF Hotspot result item

LPBF Results: Recoater Interference


Choose Recoater Interference to add an LPBF Recoater Interference result item to your project so that the appropriate data is written out during solution. The Recoater Interference result specifies the level of Z-deformation at which the build may interfere with the recoater's spreading.

Threshold Definition: Either None, Layer Thickness Based, or User Defined:

  • None (default): The result tool will show pure Z-deformation in the build, where the value at each point corresponds to the Z-deformation when that material was a new layer.

  • Layer Thickness Based: The result tool uses the Deposition Thickness and Powder Packing Density to determine the thresholds for warning and critical deformation. Specifically, if the Z-deformation for any layer is equal to or greater than the Deposition Thickness it is considered a warning. If the Z-deformation is equal to or exceeds the value of Deposition Thickness/Powder Packing Density, it is considered critical.

    • Powder Packing Density: May be dependent on the powder particle size, material, spreading mechanism, or other factors.

  • User Defined: You define your own warning and critical thresholds:

    • Warning Threshold: Z deformation above which results are considered a warning.

    • Critical Threshold: Z deformation above which results are considered critical.

Important:  The data is based on the Z deformation of each layer right before the next layer is added. It does not represent the "final state" of deformation at the end of the cooldown step.

For more information about interpreting results after the simulation is solved, see Review Results.

Affects these tree objects: LPBF Recoater Interference result item

LPBF Results: High Strain


Choose High Strain to add an LPBF High Strain result item to your project so that the appropriate data is written out during solution. The High Strain result shows the maximum equivalent strain experienced during the build process. It can help to identify regions at risk of cracking.

Threshold Definition: Either None or User Defined:

  • None (default): The result tool will show pure maximum equivalent strain in the build, where the value at each point corresponds to the strain when that material was a new layer.

  • User Defined: You define your own warning and critical thresholds:

    • Warning Threshold: Maximum equivalent strain above which results are considered a warning.

    • Critical Threshold: Maximum equivalent strain above which results are considered critical.

For more information about interpreting results after the simulation is solved, see Review Results.

Affects these tree objects: LPBF High Strain result item