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Introduction to the LS-DYNA Verification Manual
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LS-DYNA Workbench Test Cases
LS-DYNA Solver Test Cases
LS-DYNA Fluids Test Cases
LS-DYNA Benchmark Test Cases
LS-DYNA Workbench Test Cases
VM-LSDYNA-WB-001 - Response of Spring-Mass System to Step Input
VM-LSDYNA-WB-002 - Drop Analysis of a Block Onto a Spring Scale
VM-LSDYNA-WB-003 - Response of Spring-Mass-Damper System
VM-LSDYNA-WB-004 - Undamped Vibration Absorber
VM-LSDYNA-WB-005 - Pinned Bar Under Gravity Loading
VM-LSDYNA-WB-006 - Projectile with Air Resistance
VM-LSDYNA-WB-007 - Long Bar With Compressive Load
VM-LSDYNA-WB-008 - Plastic Compression of a Pipe Assembly
LS-DYNA Solver Test Cases
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-001 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Hollow Spheres with Convection Boundary Condition
VM-LS-DYNA-SOLVE-002 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Hollow Spheres with Heat Flux Boundary Condition
VM-LS-DYNA-SOLVE-003 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Hollow Spheres with Radiation Boundary Condition
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-004 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Hollow Spheres with Temperature Boundary Condition
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-005 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Spheres with Internal Heat Generation
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-006 - Applied Force on Changing Element Mass
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-007 - Applied Force on Element Mass
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-008 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of a Beam
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-009 - Steady State Thermal Analysis with Convection between Surfaces
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-010 - Steady State Nonlinear Thermal Analysis with Radiation Between Contact Surfaces
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-011 - Transient Linear Thermal Structural Analysis
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-012 - Steady State Thermal Analysis of 2D Axisymmetric Cylindrical Shell
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-013 - Transient Thermal Conduction of 3 and 4 Node Shell Elements
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-014 - 2D Axisymmetric Thermal Expansion
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-015 - Implicit Deflection of Cantilever due to Temperature Variation
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-016 - Thermal Expansion of a Cylindrical Bar with Temperature Dependent Thermal Expansion Coefficient
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-017 - 3D Tension Failure Test (Cubes)
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-018 - 3D Shear Failure Test (Cubes)
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-019 - Long Bar with Compressive Load
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-020 - Elasto-Plastic Analysis of a Rectangular Beam
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-021 - Plastic Compression of a Pipe Assembly
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-022 - Statically Indeterminate Reaction Force Analysis
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-023 - I-Shape Beam Deflection Under Uniformly Distributed Loads
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-024 - Deflection of a Hinged Support
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-025 - Laterally Loaded Tapered Support Structure
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-026 - Radial Displacement of a Pinched Cylinder
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-027 - 3D Taylor Cylinder Impact
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-028 - 2D Taylor Cylinder Impact
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-029 - Heat Transfer from a Cooling Spine
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-030 - Bending of Long Plate Subjected to Moment - Plane Strain Model
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-031 - Deflection of Beam using Symmetry and Anti-Symmetry
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-032 - Fundamental Frequency of a Simply-Supported Beam
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-033 - Combined Bending and Torsion of Beam
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-034 - Evolution of the Solder Ball Shape Using 1521 Particles
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-035 - Evolution of the Solder Ball Shape Using 2197 Particles
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-036 - Adiabatic Expansion of High Explosive Detonation Products Using Eulerian Approach
VM-LSDYNA-SOLVE-037 - Adiabatic Expansion of High Explosive Detonation Products Using Lagrangian Approach
LS-DYNA Fluids Test Cases
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-001 - Blasius Solution
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-002 - 2D Laminar Flow Around a Cylinder
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-003 - Steady 2D Laminar Flow around a Cylinder in a Channel
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-004 - Unsteady 2D Laminar Flow around a cylinder in a Channel
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-005 - The Poiseuille Flow - Steady 3D Laminar Flow in a Pipe
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-006 - Steady 3D Laminar Flow around a Cylinder in a Channel
VM-LSDYNA-FLUID-007 - Unsteady 3D Laminar Flow Around Cylinder in a Channel
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-001 - Conducting Ladder Below a Coil Carrying a Sinusoidal Current
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-002 - Hollow Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Magnetic Field
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-003 - Non-Linear Magnetostatic Problem
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-004 - Axisymmetric Electrodynamic Levitation Problem
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-005 - Lenz's Law: Magnet Through a Copper Pipe
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-006 - Voltage Driven Coil
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-007 - 2D Axisymmetric Inductive Heating
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-008 - Magnetostatic Force Calculation (TEAM 20)
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-009 - Hollow Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Magnetic Field (TEAM 6)
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-010 - Asymmetrical Conductor with a Hole (TEAM 7)
VM-LSDYNA-EMAG-011 - Long Cylinder in a Uniform Sinusoidal Field (TEAM 2)
LS-DYNA Benchmark Test Cases
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-001 - Elastic Beam, Linear Deflection under Cantilever Load (small deflection assumption)
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-002 - Elastic Beam, Nonlinear Deflection under Cantilever Load
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-003 - Elasto-Plastic Beam, Nonlinear Deflection under Cantilever Load
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-004 - Combined Stress in Lever
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-005 - Stress Concentration in Stepped Shaft under Torsion
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-006 - Torque Required to Overcome Friction in a Sliding Ring
VM-LSDYNA-BENCHMARK-007 - Indentation of a Semi-Rigid Long Cylinder in an Elastic, Perfectly Plastic Half-Space