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1. Getting Started
1.1. Building the Model
1.1.1. Specifying a Jobname and Analysis Title
1.1.2. Defining Element Types
1.1.3. Creating Cross Sections
1.1.4. Defining Element Real Constants
1.1.5. Defining Material Properties
1.1.6. Creating the Model Geometry
1.2. Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution
1.2.1. Specifying the Analysis Type and Analysis Options
1.2.2. Applying Loads
1.2.3. Specifying Load Step Options
1.2.4. Initiating the Solution
1.3. Reviewing the Results
2. Material Properties
2.1. Linear Material Properties
2.2. Nonlinear Material Properties
2.3. Anisotropic Elastic Material Properties
2.4. Material Model Interface
2.4.1. Accessing the Material Model Interface
2.4.2. Choosing Material Behavior
2.4.3. Entering Material Data
2.4.4. Logging/Editing Material Data
2.4.5. Example: Defining a Single Material Model
2.4.6. Example: Editing Data in a Material Model
2.4.7. Example: Defining a Material Model Combination
2.4.8. Material Model Interface - Miscellaneous Items
2.5. Using Material Library Files
2.5.1. Format of Material Library Files
2.5.2. Specifying a Default Read/Write Path for Material Library Files
2.5.3. Creating (Writing) a Material Library File
2.5.4. Reading a Material Library File
3. Loading
3.1. Understanding Loads
3.2. Load Steps, Substeps, and Equilibrium Iterations
3.3. The Role of Time in Tracking
3.4. Ramped and Stepped Loads
3.5. Applying Loads
3.5.1. Solid-Model Loads
3.5.2. Finite-Element Loads
3.5.3. Degree-of-Freedom Constraints
3.5.4. Applying Symmetry or Antisymmetry Boundary Conditions
3.5.5. Transferring Constraints
3.5.6. Forces (Concentrated Loads)
3.5.7. Surface Loads
3.5.8. Applying Body Loads
3.5.9. Applying Inertia Loads
3.5.10. Including Inertia Relief Calculations
3.5.11. Applying Ocean Loads
3.5.12. Applying Coupled-Field Loads
3.5.13. Axisymmetric Loads and Reactions
3.5.14. Loads to Which the Degree of Freedom Offers No Resistance
3.5.15. Initial State Loading
3.5.16. Applying Loads Using Tabular Input
3.5.17. Applying Loads to Components and Assemblies
3.6. Specifying Load Step Options
3.6.1. Setting General Options
3.6.2. Setting Dynamics Options
3.6.3. Setting Nonlinear Options
3.6.4. Setting Output Controls
3.6.5. Setting Biot-Savart Options
3.6.6. Setting Spectrum Options
3.7. Creating Multiple Load Step Files
3.8. Defining Pretension in a Joint Fastener
3.8.1. Applying Pretension to a Fastener Meshed as a Single Piece
3.8.2. Applying Pretension to a Fastener Meshed as Two Pieces
3.8.3. Example: Pretension Analysis
3.9. Defining Preload in a Joint Fastener Undergoing Large Rotation
3.9.1. Generating a Preload Section in a Fastener Meshed as a Single Piece
3.9.2. Applying a Preload to the Joint Element
3.9.3. Example: Bolt Sleeve Model Undergoing Large Rotation
4. Using the Function Tool
4.1. Function Tool Terminology
4.2. Using the Function Editor
4.2.1. How the Function Editor Works
4.2.2. Creating a Function with the Function Editor
4.2.3. Using Your Function
4.3. Using the Function Loader
4.4. Applying Boundary Conditions Using the Function Tool
4.5. Function Tool Example
4.6. Graphing or Listing a Function
4.6.1. Graphing a Function
4.6.2. Listing a Function
5. Solution
5.1. Selecting a Solver
5.2. Types of Solvers
5.2.1. The Sparse Direct Solver
5.2.2. The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) Solver
5.2.3. The Mixed Solver
5.2.4. The Jacobi Conjugate Gradient (JCG) Solver
5.3. Solver Memory and Performance
5.3.1. Running Solvers Using Parallel Processing
5.3.2. Using Large Memory Capabilities with the Sparse Solver
5.3.3. Disk Space (I/O) and Postprocessing Performance for Large Memory Problems
5.4. Using Special Solution Controls for Certain Types of Structural Analyses
5.4.1. Using Abridged Solution Menus
5.4.2. Using the Solution Controls Dialog Box
5.4.3. Accessing More Information
5.5. Obtaining the Solution
5.6. Solving Multiple Load Steps
5.6.1. Using the Multiple SOLVE Method
5.6.2. Using the Load Step File Method
5.6.3. Using the Array Parameter Method
5.7. Terminating a Running Job
5.8. Restarting an Analysis
5.8.1. Multiframe Restart
5.8.2. Modal Analysis Restart
5.9. Singular Matrices
5.10. Stopping Solution After Matrix Assembly
6. An Overview of Postprocessing
6.1. Postprocessors Available
6.2. The Results Files
6.3. Types of Data Available for Postprocessing
7. The General Postprocessor (POST1)
7.1. Reading Results Data into the Database
7.1.1. Reading Results Data
7.1.2. Other Options for Retrieving Results Data
7.1.3. Creating an Element Table
7.1.4. Special Considerations for Principal Stresses
7.1.5. Resetting the Database
7.2. Reviewing Results in POST1
7.2.1. Displaying Results Graphically
7.2.2. Surface Operations
7.2.3. Listing Results in Tabular Form
7.2.4. Mapping Results onto a Path
7.2.5. Estimating Solution Error
7.2.6. Using the Results Viewer to Access Results File Data
7.3. Additional POST1 Postprocessing
7.3.1. Rotating Results to a Different Coordinate System
7.3.2. Performing Arithmetic Operations Among Results Data
7.3.3. Creating and Combining Load Cases
7.3.4. Mapping Results onto a Different Mesh or to a Cut Boundary
7.3.5. Creating or Modifying Results Data in the Database
7.3.6. Splitting Large Results Files
7.3.7. Magnetics Command Macros
7.3.8. Comparing Nodal Solutions From Two Models or From One Model and Experimental Data (RSTMAC)
8. The Time-History Postprocessor (POST26)
8.1. The Time-History Variable Viewer
8.2. Defining Variables
8.2.1. Defining the Variable
8.2.2. Storing the Variable
8.3. Processing Variables to Develop Calculated Data
8.4. Importing Data
8.5. Exporting Data
8.6. Reviewing the Variables
8.6.1. Plotting Result Graphs
8.6.2. Listing Results in Tabular Form
8.7. Additional Time-History Postprocessing
8.7.1. Generating a Response Spectrum
8.7.2. Data Smoothing
9. Selecting and Components
9.1. Selecting Entities
9.1.1. Selecting Entities Using Commands
9.1.2. Selecting Entities Using the GUI
9.1.3. Selecting Lines to Repair CAD Geometry
9.1.4. Other Commands for Selecting
9.2. Selecting for Meaningful Postprocessing
9.3. Using Components and Assemblies
9.3.1. Component Types
9.3.2. Using the Component Manager
9.3.3. Creating Components
9.3.4. Nesting Assemblies
9.3.5. Selecting Entities by Component or Assembly
9.3.6. Adding or Removing Components
9.3.7. Modifying Components or Assemblies
9.3.8. Viewing Hidden Element Components
10. Getting Started with Graphics
10.1. Interactive and External Graphics
10.2. Identifying the Graphics Device Name for Linux
10.2.1. Graphics Device Names Available
10.3. Specifying the Graphics Display Device Type (for Windows)
10.4. System-Dependent Graphics Information
10.4.1. Adjusting Input Focus
10.4.2. Displaying X11 Graphics Over Networks
10.5. Creating Graphics Displays
10.5.1. GUI-Driven Graphics Functions
10.5.2. Command-Driven Graphics Functions
10.5.3. Immediate Mode Graphics
10.5.4. Replotting the Current Display
10.5.5. Erasing the Current Display
10.5.6. Aborting a Display in Progress
10.6. Multi-Plotting Techniques
10.6.1. Defining the Window Layout
10.6.2. Controlling the Entities That Each Window Displays
10.6.3. Controlling the Plot Display
10.6.4. Displaying Selected Entities
11. General Graphics Specifications
11.1. Multiple Windows and Superimposed Displays
11.1.1. Superimposing (Overlaying) Multiple Displays
11.1.2. Removing Frame Borders
11.2. Changing the Viewing Angle, Zooming, and Panning
11.2.1. Changing the Viewing Direction
11.2.2. Rotating the Display About a Specified Axis
11.2.3. Determining the Model Coordinate System Reference Orientation
11.2.4. Translating (or Panning) the Display
11.2.5. Magnifying (Zooming in on) the Image
11.2.6. Resetting Automatic Scaling and Focus
11.2.7. Freezing Scale (Distance) and Focus
11.3. Controlling Miscellaneous Text and Symbols
11.3.1. Using Legends in Your Displays
11.3.2. Controlling Entity Fonts
11.3.3. Controlling the Location of the Global XYZ Triad
11.3.4. Displaying and Hiding Triad Symbols
11.3.5. Changing the Style of the Working Plane Grid
11.3.6. Displaing and Hiding the Program Logo
11.4. Miscellaneous Graphics Specifications
11.4.1. Reviewing Graphics Control Specifications
11.4.2. Restoring Defaults for Graphics Slash Commands
11.4.3. Saving the Display Specifications in a File
11.4.4. Recalling Display Specifications from a File
11.4.5. Pausing the Program
11.5. 3D Input Device Support
12. PowerGraphics
12.1. Characteristics of PowerGraphics
12.2. When to Use PowerGraphics
12.3. Activating and Deactivating PowerGraphics
12.4. Using PowerGraphics
12.5. What to Expect from a PowerGraphics Plot
12.5.1. Viewing Your Element Model
12.5.2. Printing and Plotting Node and Element Results
13. Creating Geometry Displays
13.1. Creating Displays of Solid-Model Entities
13.2. Controlling the Geometry Display Specifications
13.2.1. Controlling the Style of Your Display
13.2.2. Applying Styles to Enhance the Model Appearance
13.2.3. Controlling Numbers and Colors
13.2.4. Displaying Loads and Other Special Symbols
14. Creating Geometric Results Displays
14.1. Using the GUI to Display Geometric Results
14.2. Options for Creating Geometric Results Displays
14.3. Changing the Specifications for POST1 Results Displays
14.3.1. Controlling Displaced Shape Displays
14.3.2. Controlling Vector Symbols in Your Results Display
14.3.3. Controlling Contour Displays
14.3.4. Changing the Number of Contours
14.4. Q-Slice Techniques
14.5. Isosurface Techniques
14.6. Controlling Charged Particle Trace Displays
15. Creating Graphs
15.1. Graph Display Actions
15.2. Changing the Specifications for Graph Displays
15.2.1. Changing the Type, Style, and Color of Your Graph Display
15.2.2. Labeling Your Graph
15.2.3. Defining X and Y Variables and Their Ranges
16. Annotation
16.1. 2D Annotation
16.2. Creating Annotations for Models
16.3. 3D Annotation
16.4. 3D Query Annotation
17. Animation
17.1. Creating Animated Displays
17.2. Using the Basic Animation Commands
17.3. Using One-Step Animation Macros
17.4. Animation in the Windows Environment
17.4.1. Understanding AVI File Support
17.4.2. Other Uses for AVI Files
18. External Graphics
18.1. External Graphics Options
18.1.1. Printing Graphics in Windows
18.1.2. Exporting Graphics in Windows
18.1.3. Printing Graphics in Linux
18.1.4. Exporting Graphics in Linux
19. File Management and Files
19.1. File Management Overview
19.2. Changing the Default File Name
19.3. Sending Output to Screens, Files, or Both
19.4. Text and Binary Files
19.4.1. Program-Generated Files
19.4.2. File Compression
19.5. Reading Your Own Files into the Program
19.6. Writing Your Own Files from the Program
19.7. Assigning File Names
19.8. Reviewing Contents of Binary Files (AUX2)
19.9. Operating on Results Files (AUX3)
19.10. Other File Management Commands
20. Memory Management and Configuration
20.1. Work and Swap Space Requirements
20.2. How the Program Uses Work Space
20.3. How and When to Perform Memory Management
20.3.1. Determining When to Change the Work Space
20.3.2. Changing the Amount of Work Space
20.3.3. Changing the Amount of Database Space
20.4. Using the Configuration File
20.5. Understanding Memory Error Messages
21. Troubleshooting