59.4. Modeling and Meshing

Rectangular blocks representing resin and laminate layers are modeled as thermal solids (SOLID278 elements) in the steady-state thermal analysis and structural solids (SOLID185 elements) in the static structural analysis.

The reinforcement line and shell bodies are modeled as discrete (REINF264 elements) and smeared (REINF265 elements) reinforcements, respectively, using the Reinforcement Model Type.

Figure 59.4: Line and Shell Bodies Modeled as Reinforcement

Line and Shell Bodies Modeled as Reinforcement

Bonded contact at the interfaces of the laminate and resin bodies is modeled by six bonded contact pairs. The contact regions were previously created and exist in the imported .mechdat file.

Mesh sizing controls are applied on the rectangular bodies (layers) to create solid elements, and on line and shell bodies to create reinforcement elements.

Figure 59.5: Mesh Details

Mesh Details