59.5. Material Properties

The layers (laminate and resin) and reinforcements have the following thermal and structural material properties at 22°C. (These properties are defined in the Mechanical Model system).

Reinforcement (Copper) Material Properties
Density (kg/mm3)8.9e-6
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (C-1)1.76e-5
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)1.2e5
Poisson’s Ratio0.36
Isotropic Thermal Conductivity (W mm-1 C-1)0.4
Laminate Material Properties
Density (kg/mm3)1.9e-6
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, X-Direction (C-1)1.5e-5
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Y-Direction (C-1)1.5e-5
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Z-Direction (C-1)6e-5
Young’s Modulus, X-Direction25000
Young’s Modulus, Y-Direction25000
Young’s Modulus, Z-Direction8000
Poisson’s Ratio (XY)0.18
Poisson’s Ratio (YZ)0.3
Poisson’s Ratio (XZ)0.3
Shear Modulus (XY)6000
Shear Modulus (YZ)3500
Shear Modulus (YZ)3500
Isotropic Thermal Conductivity (W mm-1 C-1) 0.0002
Resin Material Properties
Density (kg/mm3)1.6e-6
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (C-1)6e-5
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)3500
Poisson’s Ratio0.4
Isotropic Thermal Conductivity (W mm-1 C-1)1e-5