Projector Mechanism - Finding the Acceleration of a Point


Reference: Any Basic Kinematics Book

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s): Rigid Dynamic Analysis
Element Type(s): Multipoint Constraint Element

Test Case

The mechanism shown in figure is used to pull a movie through a projector. The mechanism is driven by the drive wheel rotating at a constant -58.643 rad/s. All link lengths are constant:

  • Link AB length r1 = 18mm

  • Link BC length r2 = 48mm

  • Length BX = x = 45 mm and CX = y = 28 mm

The horizontal distance between A and C is length=34 mm.

The analysis determines the acceleration of point C with a change of angle of link AB (θ 1) from 0 to 60 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction.

Figure 73: Schematic


Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 2e11 Pa
ν = 0.3
r1 = 18 mm
r2 = 48 mm
x = 45 mm
y = 28 mm
Constant rotational velocity = -58.643 rad/s


Linear acceleration of point C is given by:

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetMechanical [1]Error (%)
Relative acceleration (θ 1 = 10) mm/s2 -12.06-12.043-0.141
Relative acceleration (θ 1 = 30) mm/s2 1.3171.3168-0.015
Relative acceleration (θ 1 = 60) mm/s2 6.7396.7386-0.006
  1. To compare these results to those obtained using explicit dynamics, see VM-EXD-MECH-008.