Coriolis Component of Acceleration (Rotary Engine Problem)


Reference: Any Basic Kinematics Book

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s): Rigid Dynamic Analysis
Element Type(s): Multipoint Constraint Element

Test Case

A kinematics diagram of one of the cylinders of a rotary engine is shown below.

OA is 50 mm long and fixed at point o.

The length of the connecting rod AB is 125 mm.

The line of stroke OB is inclined at 50 degrees to the vertical.

The cylinders are rotating at a uniform speed of 300 rpm in a clockwise direction, about the fixed center O.

The analysis determines the angular acceleration of the connecting rod.

Figure 74: Rotary Engine Cylinder Schematic

Rotary Engine Cylinder Schematic

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

E = 2E11 Pa

ν = 0.3

Connecting rod AB is 125 mm Crank OA is 50 mm long

OB is inclined at 50 degrees to the vertical.

Constant rotational velocity = 300 rpm


Angular acceleration of the connecting rod is given by:

Results Comparison

ResultTargetMechanical [1]Error (%)
Angular acceleration (radian/s2) 294.52294.530.0034
  1. To compare this result to that obtained using explicit dynamics, see VM-EXD-MECH-009.