Spinning Single Pendulum


Reference: Any Basic Kinematics Book

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s): Rigid Dynamic Analysis
Element Type(s): Multipoint Constraint Element

Test Case

A uniform bar A is connected to a vertical shaft by a revolute joint. The vertical shaft is rotating around its vertical axis at a constant velocity Ω. A point mass M is attached at the tip of the bar in the figure below. The length of bar A is L. Its mass is m, its rotational inertia to its principal axis are Jx, Jy, Jz.

The angle of the bar A to the vertical axis is denoted as . The motion equation has been established as follows.

The problem is solved for during the first second of motion. The WB/Mechanical results are compared to a fourth order Runge-Kutta solution.

Figure 70: Schematic


Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
= tan-1(1,2)
= 0

L= 2.2361 m

m = 551.45 kg

M = 100.0 kg

Jx = 229.97 kg-m2

Jy = 2.7293 kg-m2

Jz = 229.97 kg-m2

Ω = 17.1522

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetMechanicalError (%)
at 0.5 sec-1.3233-1.32330.0
at 0.5 sec116.1368116.13680.0
at 1.0 sec-2.6755-2.67550.0
at 1.0 sec119.8471119.84710.0

Figure 71: Plot of Plot of from 0 to 1 sec from 0 to 1 sec

Plot of from 0 to 1 sec

Figure 72: Plot of Plot of from 0 to 1 sec from 0 to 1 sec

Plot of from 0 to 1 sec