3.3.11. Miscellaneous

The Miscellaneous group includes the following categories and preferences.

MiscellaneousLoad Orientation TypeSpecifies the orientation input method for certain loads. This input appears in the Define By option in the Details view of the load, under Definition.
  • Vector (default)

  • Component

Reverse Displacement for Inverse StepsOptions include No (default) and Yes.
Named SelectionsUnique NamesThis category includes the preference Unique Names (MAPDL Solver). Options include Warning (default) and Error. When the Mechanical APDL solver encounters a duplicate named selection it issues a Warning. This preference enables you to change the issuance to an Error. If set to Error, the application will stop the solution process and allow you to address the naming issue.
Cross SectionsUnique NamesThis category includes the preference Unique Names. Options include Warning and Error (default). When the solver encounters a duplicate name it issues an error. This preference enables you to change the issuance to an Warning. When set to Error, the application will stop the solution process and allow you to address the naming issue.
ImageImage Transfer TypeThere are no counterpart settings in the Details pane for this preference. Using this preference, you define the type of image file created when you send an image to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint,or when you select Print Preview. Options include PNG (default), JPEG, and BMP.
Post Processing (MAPDL Only)Result File CachingThis preference is for results files written by the Mechanical APDL solver only. By holding substantial portions of a file in memory, caching reduces the amount of I/O associated with result file reading. The cache can, however, reduce memory that would otherwise be used for other solutions. Control options include:
  • System Controlled (default): The operating system determines whether or not the result file is cached for reading.

  • Off: There is no caching during the reading of the result file.

  • Program Controlled: The Mechanical application determines whether or not the result file is cached for reading.

Note:  You need to close and then reopen Mechanical in order for changes to this preference to take effect.

Ansoft Executable LocationsHFSSSpecify the directory location that contains the executable file to launch the associated application. This path is automatically populated when you install the Ansys electronic desktop.
MaxwellSpecify the directory location that contains the executable file to launch the associated application. This path is automatically populated when you install the Ansys electronic desktop.
Q3D ExtractorSpecify the directory location that contains the executable file to launch the associated application. This path is automatically populated when you install the Ansys electronic desktop.
Save OptionsSave Project Before SolutionSet the default for the Save Project Before Solution property of the Project object. Although you can set the default here, the solver respects the latest Save Project Before Solution setting in the Details panel. The default for this option is No. Selecting Yes saves the entire project immediately before solving (after any required meshing). If the project had never been previously saved, you can now select a location to save a new file.

Note:  The save options you specify on the Project object override the options specified in the Options dialog and will be used for the current project.

 Save Project After Solution (local solutions only)Sets the default for the Save Project After Solution property of the Project object. Options include Yes and No (default). When you are solving locally, selecting Yes saves the project immediately after solving but before postprocessing. If the project had never been previously saved, nothing will be saved.

Note:  The save options you specify on the Project object override the options specified in the Options dialog and will be used for the current project.

Python CodeRe-connect Python Code Objects When Mechanical is LaunchedAutomatically reconnect any existing python code objects when you launch the application. Options include Yes and No (default).
ClipboardFind Objects by Name on PasteBy default, when you copy and paste a supported object from one Mechanical session to another, the application automatically pastes the object into the target session, including any additional associated objects, such as a Named Selection, a remote point, or a defined coordinate system. If you set this preference to Yes, the application searches the Outline, by name, for all of the associated objects and only pastes those that are not already in the target session. If an object of the same name and type already exists in the target session, the copied object uses the existing object rather than the one from the clipboard. Options include Yes and No (default).