3.3.12. Messages

The Messages group includes the following preferences.

Report Performance Diagnostics in MessageTurn on messaging that reports the time it takes for certain processes to execute, such as the time it takes for contact detection, mesh generation, writing the input file, solution, etc. Options include Yes and No (default).
Pop-up MessagesSpecify whether pop-up messages display in the Message Window . Options include Yes (default) and (No).
Message ColoringSpecify whether the application highlights objects in the tree that are experiencing an issue. The objects as well as the corresponding message in the Messages window can be highlighted or you can select to highlight only Message window content. The available options include On (default), Off, and Messages Window Only.

Note:  You need to close and then reopen Mechanical in order for changes to this preference to take effect.

Show Info MessagesSpecify whether to display Information messages. Options include Yes (default) and No.
Show Warning MessagesSpecify whether to display Warning messages. Options include Yes (default) and No.
Merge Similar MessagesSpecify whether to merge similar messages of the Messages window into one row. Options include Yes (default) and No. Changing this preference changes the setting of the Merge Message option of the Messages window if you close the application.