Applying Loads and Supports for Cyclic Symmetry in a Static Structural or Static Acoustics Analysis

The following support limitations and specifications must be observed:

  • The following boundary conditions are not supported:

    • Bearing Load

    • Hydrostatic Pressure

    • Fluid Solid Interface (Supported for Static Acoustics but cannot be applied to the Low/High Boundary)

  • The following remote boundary conditions are not supported:

    • Joints

    • Bearing

  • Inertial boundary conditions as well as the Moment boundary condition are restricted to the axial direction. Therefore, you must set the Define By property of the specified boundary conditions to Components. Only the Z Component property can be non-zero and the Z-Axis of the specified Coordinate System of the boundary condition must match the coordinate system used by the corresponding Cyclic Region.In similar fashion, you must define the Remote Point for Moment loads so that its points of application lie along the cyclic axis (see warning below).

Additional restrictions apply while specifying supports for a static structural analysis. For example, Elastic Supports and Compression Only Supports are not available. The loads and supports should not include any face selections (for example, on 3D solids) that already belong to either the low or high boundaries of the cyclic symmetry sector. Loads and supports may include edges (for example, on 3D solids) on those boundaries, however.

Warning:  Only Static Structural analyses support the ability to specify a Remote Point that coincides with the cyclic symmetry axis. In addition, for the analysis, you must:

  • Set the Remote Point Behavior property to Deformable or Rigid.

  • Set the Future Analysis option (Analysis Settings > Analysis Data Management) to None.

  • Make sure that you divide the load magnitude by the specified number of sectors.

Loads and supports are assumed to have the same spatial relation for the cyclic axis in all sectors.

In preparation for solution, the boundary conditions on the geometry are converted into node constraints in the mesh (see Converting Boundary Conditions to Nodal DOF Constraints (Mechanical APDL Solver) for more information). When these boundary conditions involve nodes along the sector boundaries (low, high, and axial boundaries), their constraints are integrated to properly reflect the symmetry. As an example, the low and high edges may feature more node constraints than are applied to each individually, in order to remain consistent with an equivalent full model.

Important:  When analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure that rotates without supports, you may encounter rigid body movement. In this scenario, the recommended action is specifying Direct for the Solver Type property.