19.2.4. Line Chart Results (LS-DYNA Only)

For LS-DYNA analyses, use the Line Chart object to plot a two-dimensional graph in the X and Y directions, for supported input data. Currently, input data for Line Chart objects can come from:


Use the following steps to specify a Line Chart object. The feature is very flexible and enables you to change the data and plots with ease.

  1. Insert the object by highlighting the Solution object and either selecting the Line Chart option from the Solution Context Tab or right-clicking and selecting Insert > Line Chart.

    You can also right-click within the Geometry window and select Insert > Line Chart.

  2. Specify the Source Type property. Options include Existing Objects and Imported File.

  3. Use the Source Object to specify objects in the Outline or to select an external file. When the Source Type property is set to:

    • Existing Objects, use the Source Object property to manually select the objects in the Outline you wish to chart. You can select multiple objects.

    • Imported File, use the option of the Source Object property to display a dialog to browse to a directory location and select a file.

      Note:  When importing a file, the application supports tab separated X-Y Data file format as well as LS-PrePost Data Export format. See the Example File Formats topic below for examples of these formats.

  4. Once the above property is defined, the object plots the data. At this point you can apply an operation or filer to your dataset.

    Important:  The Operation Type and Filter Type properties are only supported for objects or files that include one dataset.

    Operation Type

    Operation Type options include:

    • None (default): Reset any previous operations and redisplay the plot of the original dataset.

    • Integration: Generate and plot a new dataset based on the integral operation.

    • Differentiation: Generate and plot a new dataset based on the differentiation operation.

    Filter Type

    Filter Type property options include:

    • None (default): Reset any previous filters and redisplay the plot of the original dataset.

    • Butterworth: Apply a Butterworth filter to create and plot a new dataset.

    • SAE: Apply a SAE filter to create and plot a new dataset.

    When you specify a filter, the following additional properties display:

    • Cutoff Frequency: Define a cutoff frequency value for the applied filter.

    • Cutoff Frequency Limit: A read-only property that displays the cutoff frequency limit for the current dataset. This limit indicates the maximum value for the cutoff frequency that can still supports filtering. This value helps you fine tune your Cutoff Frequency property entry.

    Note:  You cannot use the options of the Operation Type property and the Filter Type property in combination. Specifying an Operation Type automatically causes the Filter Type property to be set to None, and vice versa.

  5. You can use the Display Original property to display the original curve as well as the plot you have creating using an operation or filter. Options include No (default) and Yes.

  6. Create additional charts as desired.

Examples File Formats

Tab Separated X-Y Data Format

Time	Force Reaction
s	N
0 0	0.01 3.17E+05 
0.02	7.04E+06 
...	...

LS-PrePost Data Export Format

Glstat Data
int-0 #pts=1001 5.00E-02 1.00E+08* 
Minval=0.0000000000e+00 at time= 0.0000000000* 
Maxval=1.00e+08 at time= 5.00
0          0
0.05       3.17E+05
0          .17.04E+06
…          …