Surfaces From Faces

The Surfaces From Faces feature allows the creation of Surface bodies (see Body Types ) in Ansys DesignModeler by selecting the existing faces from Solid and Surface bodies. The feature can produce multiple surface bodies, depending on the connectivity of the selected faces. The Surfaces From Faces feature is located in the Concept Menu, and has two operations: Add Material and Add Frozen.

Surface bodies can be created without the holes present in the selected faces. This is done by specifying healing options in Holes Repair Method under Details View. Holes will be healed, if present inside a single face.

Example 98: Surfaces From Faces Usage

Suppose you wanted to create surface body out of Face A and Face B for this model.

Using Surfaces From Faces feature, select the Faces A and B.

The result is shown with the original Solid body hidden for clarity.

For the same model considered above, if Natural Healing is selected for Holes Repair Method, the result will be as shown below. Here the original body is hidden for clarity.

Other Concept Menu feature options: