Instancing (object)

Available when cylindrical geometry instancing has been added to the data model.

Note:  Instancing objects are not available if at least one side of an interface is an FMU participant.

Use Instancing objects to define multiple instances from a defined reference frame and then apply them to coupling interface sides.

Instances must be defined prior to initialization. Once an instancing object is added, it may be associated with a coupling interface Side. Multiple instancing objects can be added to a coupled analysis. An instancing object can be used for multiple interface sides, but each interface side can have only one instancing object defined for it.

Instancing Object Names

  • In System Coupling's GUI, instancing objects are assigned default names according to the convention Instance-<#>, where the suffix "#" is the first positive integer which yields a unique name.

  • In System Coupling's CLI, you may give an instancing object any name you wish, provided that it does not duplicate an instancing object name that already exists in the coupled analysis. Additionally, the object cannot be named None.

If a transformation ReferenceFrame and an Instancing object are defined for the same interface side, then any transformations defined under the reference frame are performed before the instances are constructed.

For more information, see Defining Interface Instancing for Cylindrical Geometry Models in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Instancing branch.

*ReferenceFrame (setting)

Reference frame that defines the orientation of the Instancing object. Rotation will be around the z-axis of the reference frame, following the right-hand rule.

The specified reference frame defines the coordinate system of the rotation for the instancing operation.

Accepts GlobalReferenceFrame or the name of any valid reference frame defined under the Library.ReferenceFrame object container.

If no value is provided, then defaults to the GlobalReferenceFrame with a rotation starting at θ=0 and proceeding around the z axis of the reference frame.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Instancing | Reference Frame setting.

*InstancesInFullCircle (setting)

Total number of instances (including the first instance) in a full 360° rotation of the participant mesh. This value includes the reference instance (with the participant mesh). All instances defined for the instancing object have identical angles.

Accepts integers ≥1. If a value is not provided, then defaults to 1.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Instancing | Instances In Full Circle setting.

*InstancesForMapping (setting)

Number of instances to be included in the mapping when instancing is applied. Required when the number of instances to be used for mapping does not match the number of instances in a full circle. Default assumes a 360° rotation of the participant mesh. This value includes the reference instance (with the participant mesh).

Accepts integers 1 ≤ int ≤ InstancesInFullCircle.

If a value is not provided, then defaults to the value of the InstancesInFullCircle setting.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Instancing | Instances For Mapping setting.