DataTransfer (object)

Set data transfer details.

Data transfer objects are assigned default names according to the convention <TargetVariableName>-<#>, where:

"TargetVariableName" is the target participant's internal name for the target variable
"#" indicates the order in which the data transfers with the same target variable are created on the interface

Data transfer names must be unique per coupling interface. For example, if three temperature data transfers with the same target participant are created on three different interfaces, they will be created with the same name. They must be in ASCII format and cannot include forward slashes (/).

Each data transfer object's display name is used, when available, and is shown in System Coupling's GUI, Transcript/Log files, and EnSight-formatted results.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer branch.

*Suppress (setting)

Whether the data transfer is suppressed.

Possible values:

  • False: The data transfer is not suppressed. (default value)

  • True: The data transfer is suppressed.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Suppress setting.

*TargetSide (setting)

Side of the coupling interface to receive the data transfer.

Corresponding settings (which are exposed based on the Option setting) are automatically populated according to the target side specified for this setting.

Possible values:

  • One

  • Two

For more information, see Expressions in System Coupling in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Target Side setting.

*Option (setting)

Method used to set the value of the data transfer's source variable.

Possible values:

  • UsingVariable (default value)

    Variables are defined by the SourceVariable and TargetVariable settings, which are automatically populated with the output variable of the source side and input variable of the specified TargetSide.

  • UsingExpression

    Available when the source variable's DataType is set to Real.

    When selected, variables are defined as follows:

    • The target variable is defined by the TargetVariable setting, which is automatically populated with the variable associated with the specified TargetSide.

    • The source variable is tacitly defined to be compatible with the specified target variable (that is, an explicit setting is not available, but the source variable can be assumed to have the same quantity type as the target variable). The value is set by entering an expression for the Value setting.

    For more information, see Creating an Expression for a Data Transfer Source Variable in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Option setting.

*SourceVariable (setting)

Available when DataTransfer.Option is set to UsingVariable.

Variable associated with the source side of the interface.

Automatically populated with the output variable from the corresponding participant setup file.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Source Variable setting.

*TargetVariable (setting)

Variable associated with the target side of the interface.

Automatically populated with the variable associated with the interface side specified by the TargetSide setting.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Target Variable setting.

*Value (setting)

Value of the source variable.

May be defined using a single value or an expression. For more information, see Creating an Expression for a Data Transfer Source Variable in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Note:  When an expression is used to define a vector variable, the X,Y, and Z components are combined into a single vector-valued expression.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Value setting.

*RampingOption (setting)

Whether the ramping algorithm is applied to specified quantity.

Ramping is used by System Coupling to slow the application of the source-side value on the target side of the interface.

Possible values:

  • None (default value)

    No ramping is applied. The full data transfer value is applied to the target side of the interface for all coupling iterations.

  • Linear

    Within each coupling step, the ramping factor is used to linearly increase the change in the data transfer value applied to the target side of the interface.

    Note:  This setting is ignored when the data model is optimized for one-way workflows and the data transfers are one-way.

For more detailed information, see Ramping Algorithm in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Note:  An alpha setting allows you to revert to System Coupling's previous method of setting initial target-side reference values to program-specified constants. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Enable beta settings as described in Activate System Coupling Hidden Features in the System Coupling Beta Features documentation.

  2. Set AlphaFeatures to True.

  3. Set AnalysisControl.TargetInitializationOption to UseConstantValue.

For details about the constant values that will be applied, see Initial Values Used for the Reference Target-Side Value in the 2020 R1 System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Ramping Option setting.

*RelaxationFactor (setting)

Factor multiplying the current data transfer values for specified quantity when under-relaxing them against the previous values.

Accepts real values 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0. Default value is 1.0.

Note:  This setting is ignored when the data model is optimized for one-way workflows, the data transfers are one-way, and RelaxationFactor is set to a value less than 1.

For more detailed information, see Under-Relaxation Algorithm.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Relaxation Factor setting.

*ConvergenceTarget (setting)

RMS-based target value used when evaluating convergence of the specified quantity within a coupling iteration.

Accepts real values 1e-15 ≤ x ≤ 1.0. Default value is 1e-2.

For information on how this target is applied, see Evaluating Convergence of Data Transfers.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Convergence Target setting.

*UnmappedValueOption (setting)

Available when profile-preserving mapping is used to transfer data onto a target surface in one of System Coupling's user interfaces. Disabled when a coupling participant has a point cloud region.

Method used by System Coupling to generate data on unmapped target-side mesh locations.

Possible values:

  • ProgramControlled (default value)

    This option selects Interpolation for surface to surface face-based mapping, and Nearest Value otherwise.

  • Nearest Value

    The value for an unmapped target location is copied from the nearest mapped target location.

  • Extrapolation

    The value for an unmapped target location is smoothly extrapolated from nearby mapped target locations.

    This option is generally recommended for cases with significant areas non-overlap between the source and target geometries. System Coupling uses an algorithm based on radial basis functions to extrapolate the data of nearby mapped target nodes onto the non-overlapping sections of the target surface. This produces a physically realistic data profile in the unmapped region based on the profile of the nearby mapped data.

  • Interpolation

    The value for an unmapped target location is smoothly interpolated from nearby mapped target locations.

    System Coupling uses an algorithm based on radial basis functions to interpolate the data of nearby mapped target nodes onto the non-overlapping sections of the target surface. This option is a good choice for most applications since it is reliable and relatively inexpensive. The resulting profile may be less physically realistic than the Extrapolation algorithm in cases where the values on the unmapped regions should exceed the bounds of the values on the mapped portion of the geometry.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Unmapped Value Option setting.

MappingType (setting)

Type of mapping used for the data transfer. Read only. Hidden when mapping type is single-vaue to single-value.

Possible values:

  • Conservative

    A conservative mapping algorithm is used for transfers of extensive quantities — that is, for transfers of participant variables with IsExtensive set to True and which depend on the size of the system.

    For example, Force is because its value is calculated from the area of the mesh faces.

  • Profile

    A profile-preserving mapping algorithm is used for transfers of intensive quantities — that is, for transfers of participant variables with IsExtensive set to False and which depend on the size of the system.

    For example, Force Density is intensive because its value is calculated from the force per-unit-area.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Mapping Type setting.

Stabilization (singleton)

Available when GlobalStabilization is activated for a coupled analysis run in System Coupling's GUI or CLI.

Contains settings that control whether Quasi-Newton stabilization is applied to the parent data transfer.

Note:  Transfer-level stabilization is not supported for System Coupling in Workbench.

For more information, see Quasi-Newton Stabilization Algorithm in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Stabilization branch.

Stabilization contents:

*Option (setting)

Available when GlobalStabilization is activated for a coupled analysis run in System Coupling's GUI or CLI.

Controls whether stabilization is applied to the data transfer.

Possible values:

  • ProgramControlled (default value)

    The software chooses whether to include this data transfer in the global stabilization algorithm based on the physics and data transfer type.

  • None

    Stabilization is not applied to the data transfer.

  • Quasi-Newton

    Stabilization is applied to the data transfer.

When stabilization is activated for a data transfer, it is controlled by the global InitialRelaxationFactor and MaximumRetainedTimeSteps settings.

Note:  This setting is ignored when the data model is optimized for one-way workflows and the data transfers are one-way.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Data Transfer | Stabilization | Option setting.