Side (object)

Side of the coupling interface.

System Coupling assigns a name to each interface side and uses it to identify the side. The objects for the interface sides are named One and Two. Settings defined under these objects control the details for that side of the interface.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the One or Two object under the Coupling Interface | Side branch.

*CouplingParticipant (setting)

Object name assigned and used by System Coupling to identify the participant associated with the interface side.

When a display name is not defined, this value is shown in user-facing communications.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Side | Coupling Participant branch.

*RegionList (setting)

Collection of regions on the interface side that can send or receive data. Required for the creation of data transfers.

For the region(s) specified, display names are used when available and are shown in System Coupling's GUI.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Side | Region List setting.

*ReferenceFrame (setting)

Global reference frame to be used for transformations of the interface side.

Accepts GlobalReferenceFrame or the name of any valid reference frame defined under the Library.ReferenceFrame object container.

If no value is provided, then defaults to GlobalReferenceFrame (the global reference frame is used for the coupling interface side).

For more information, see Defining Geometry Transformations for Models with Different Orientations in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Side | Reference Frame setting.

*Instancing (setting)

Instancing object defined for the interface side.

Accepts the name of any valid instancing object defined in the Library.

If no value is provided, then defaults to None (no instancing is defined).

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Side | Instancing setting.

For more information, see Defining Interface Instancing for Cylindrical Geometry Models in the System Coupling User's Guide.