MappingControl (singleton)

Control mapping settings for the coupling interface.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping Control branch.

*FaceAlignment (setting)

Available for coupling interfaces between surfaces.

Control how System Coupling uses face alignment to fine-tune which source and target faces on the source and target sides can be intersected.

Use of face-alignment is possible when the participant solvers use a consistent node ordering convention such that the face normals on the interface point in a consistent direction. In most cases, Ansys participant solvers orient the face normals to point out of their volume.

Possible values:

  • ProgramControlled (default value)

    When selected, he algorithm to be used is determined as follows:

    • OppositeOrientation

      Used if both participants are a CFX, Fluent, Forte, or Mechanical participant. This setting is ignored if the candidate face is an MAPDL shell.

    • AnyOrientation

      Used if either participant is not a CFX, Fluent, Forte, or Mechanical participant, or if the candidate face is an MAPDL shell.

  • OppositeOrientation

    Point placement is reversed. Source and target faces are intersected only if their face normals have the opposite orientation.

    This selection is usually appropriate if the participants are CFX, Fluent, Forte, or Mechanical, but note the following exceptions:

    • MAPDL shell elements do not have a predictable orientation.

    • Fluent fluid-porous interfaces do not have a predictable orientation.

  • SameOrientation

    Source and target faces are intersected only if their face normals have the same orientation.

    This setting is appropriate only in exceptional circumstances, such as when using MAPDL shell elements when the shell elements are oriented out an adjacent fluid region.

  • AnyOrientation

    Face orientation is not considered during intersection.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping Control | Face Alignment setting.

*StopIfPoorIntersection (setting)

Control whether System Coupling stops when the intersection between coupling interface sides is below a specified threshold, indicating a possible setup error.

Possible values:

  • True (default value)

    Enabled. If the PoorIntersectionThreshold value is not met, then System Coupling stops and generates a setup error which must be addressed before the solution can be solved.

  • False

    Disabled. When selected, System Coupling does not stop if the interface intersection falls below the specified threshold, indicating a possible setup error.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping Control Stop If Poor Intersection setting.

*PoorIntersectionThreshold (setting)

Defines the threshold at which System Coupling stops if the intersection between coupling interface sides is low.

If the intersected fractions from source to target and target to source are both below this threshold, and StopIfPoorIntersection is set to True, then System Coupling stops and generates as setup error which must be addressed before the solution can be solved.

In this case, you should review the setup for possible errors. If it is expected that the overlap between the regions is low, then decrease this threshold value or set StopIfPoorIntersection to False.

Accepts a real value 0.0 < x ≤ 1.0. Default value is 0.5.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping | Poor Intersection Threshold setting.

*AbsoluteGapTolerance (setting)

Available only for coupling interfaces between surfaces.

Controls which mesh locations are mapped by defining the maximum allowable gap size (by length) between source and target faces. If the gap between source and target elements exceeds the specified tolerance value, then the elements are not mapped to one another.

Accepts a positive real value. Default value is 1.0.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping | Absolute Gap Tolerance setting.

*RelativeGapTolerance (setting)

Available for coupling interfaces between surfaces.

Controls which mesh locations are mapped by defining the maximum allowable gap size (relative to face size) between source and target faces. If the gap between source and target elements exceeds the specified tolerance value, then the elements are not mapped to one another.

Accepts a positive real value. Default value is 1.0.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Coupling Interface | Mapping | Relative Gap Tolerance setting.