1.5. Constructing the Quick Start Case

In the previous exercise, both the mesh (.fmsh) file and the chemistry set (.cks) file were preloaded in the .ftsim file, and all of the inputs had been specified for the spray, flow, and combustion models. In this exercise, you can build the project on your own from the beginning. To establish the computational mesh that will be used in the simulation, you have 3 options:

  1. Import an existing mesh file (for example, a KIVA-3V compatible file).

  2. Generate the sector mesh using the built-in Sector Mesh Generator.

  3. Define parameters for a 360° mesh for the engine cylinder, using the Automatic Mesh Generation option, where the mesh is then generated on-the-fly during the simulation.

A) Load or Import a Previously Defined Sector Mesh , B) Create a Sector Mesh from the Bowl Profile and Engine Information , and C) Create a 360° Mesh with the Automatic Mesh Generator (AMG) describe the steps to establish the mesh using these three options. Set Up the Case describes how to set up a case and Running Your Quick Start Case describes running the project.