30.2. Simulating the Lithium-ion Battery

The Lithium-ion Battery model allows you to simulate the detailed physics governing the charging and discharging processes. The theoretical aspects of the Lithium-ion Battery model are presented in Lithium-ion Battery Model Theory in the Fluent Theory Guide.

Note that the Lithium-ion Battery model is designed to simulate detailed physics occurring on a very small electrode scale. If you are interested in the thermal aspect of the whole battery cell or a battery pack, consider a different modeling approach such as the dual potential MSMD battery model. See Using the MSMD-Based Battery Models for details.

The following sections contain details about the Lithium-ion Battery model. Only information for setting the Lithium-ion Battery model is provided here.

30.2.1. Limitations of the Detailed Lithium-ion Battery Model

  • The electrode cell zone must be solid, and the electrolyte cell zone must be fluid.

  • The model can be used only for full electrode simulations; that is, the model must include a positive electrode zone, an electrolyte zone and a negative electrode zone. Half-cell models are currently not supported.

30.2.2. Setting Up the Lithium-ion Battery Model

  1. In the Potential/Electrochemistry dialog box, enable the Potential Equation (Potential group box) and the Lithium-ion Battery Model (Electrochemistry group box).

     Setup Models Potential/Electrochemistry  Edit...

    The dialog box expands to reveal the parameters for the detailed lithium-ion battery model.

    Figure 30.1: The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Lithium-ion Battery Model

    The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Lithium-ion Battery Model

    Note:  Once the Lithium-ion Battery Model is enabled,Ansys Fluent automatically switches to the transient solver.

    The inputs are grouped into the following tabs:

    • Zone Selection

    • Echem Rate

    • Material Properties

    • Report

    You need to visit each tab and specify the lithium-ion battery model parameters for your analysis.

  2. If you want to consider the electro-chemical reaction heat in the energy equation, select Include Echem Heating in Energy Equation.

  3. In the Zone Selection tab (see Figure 30.2: The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Echem Rate Tab), select appropriate zones from the Positive Electrode, Electrolyte Zone, and Negative Electrode selection lists.

  4. In the Echem Rate tab, define the Butler-Volmer rate parameters for the cathode and anode:

    Figure 30.2: The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Echem Rate Tab

    The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Echem Rate Tab

    If you want to use the linearized form of the Butler-Volmer equation (Equation 18–10 in the Fluent Theory Guide), select Use Linearized Butler-Volmer Equation.

  5. In the Material Properties tab, define the lithium concentration information and the material properties:

    Figure 30.3: The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Material Properties Tab

    The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Material Properties Tab

    You can specify the following properties:

  6. In the Create/Edit Material dialog box, define materials for the negative electrode, positive electrode, and electrolyte. Make sure to specify proper values for Electrical Conductivity and Lithium Diffusivity for each material.

     Physics Materials Create/Edit...

  7. In the Cell Zone Conditions task page, assign appropriate materials to different zones. The electrode cell zone must be solid, and the electrolyte cell zone must be fluid.

     Physics Zones Cell Zones

  8. In the Potential tab of the Wall dialog boxes, define electric potential boundary conditions for the anode and cathode walls.

     Physics Zones Boundaries

    Select one of the following options from the Potential Boundary Condition drop-down list:

    • Specified Flux and specify Current Density

    • Specified Value and specify Potential

    For the anode, select Specified Value for Potential Boundary Condition. The default value of 0 for Potential is usually adequate.

    For the cathode, when specifying Current Density, a negative value means current coming out of the domain, while a positive value means current flowing into the domain.

    Note:  There is no need to define any boundary condition for lithium.

  9. In the Residual Monitors dialog box, set the convergence conditions for the potential and lithium equations. Usually you need to tighten the convergence criteria. For example, set 1.0e-10 for the potential field, and 1e-12 for the lithium concentration field.

     Solution Reports Residuals...

  10. (optional) If there is no flow field in the simulation, disable the Flow and Energy equations in the Equations dialog box (accessed from the Solution Controls task page).

     Solution Controls Controls...

  11. Initialize the flow field.

    Note:  The lithium and potential fields will be automatically initialized according to the information you provided in the Potential/Electrochemistry dialog box. No input is required from you for the two equations.

  12. In the Solution Controls task page, adjust the under-relaxation factor for Faradaic Interface Current if necessary.

     Solution Controls Controls...

    Depending on the non-linearity of your problem, you can steer the solution by adjusting the value of the Faradaic Interface Current under-relaxation factor. If you are using a constant value for the Equilibrium Potential in the Butler-Volmer rate, you can use the default value of 0.01 or even a larger value. If you use a UDF to define equilibrium potential as a function of lithium concentration, then the coupling between potential and lithium concentration equation will be strong. Sometimes you may need to use a small value (as low as 0.001) in order to obtain a stable solution.

  13. Once the lithium-ion battery model is enabled, Ansys Fluent automatically generates two report definitions:

    • li-ion-battery-soc

    • li-ion-battery-capacity

    You can include these reports in report files or report plots (for example by right-clicking a report definition in the Outline View and selecting Include In > Report Plots > New...). In order for these report definitions to be computed correctly, make sure to correctly set lithium concentration at 0% and 100% SOC conditions (CLI at 0% SOC and CLI at 100% SOC in the Report tab).

  14. Run the simulation.

    If you use a low value for the Faradaic Interface Current under-relaxation factor, you may need to specify a large number for Max Iterations/Time Step in the Run Calculation task page. You can experiment with different numbers to find an appropriate value for your specific application. You can check the total current at the anode and cathode. The goal is that the two current values must be adequately balanced out during every time step in the simulation.

  15. In the Report tab of the Potential/Electrochemistry dialog box, check the current balance at the SEIs in the negative and positive electrodes.

    Figure 30.4: The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Report Tab

    The Potential/Electrochemistry Dialog Box - Report Tab

    1. Specify the following values under Anode and Cathode:

      • CLI at 0% SOC: Lithium concentration at 0% SOC condition

      • CLI at 100% SOC: Lithium concentration at 100% SOC condition

    2. Click Compute....

      In the Current Report group box, the solver reports battery’s current capacity, state of charge (SOC) and total current at anode and cathode SEIs.

      Total current at anode and total current at cathode should be close enough to ensure good results. If they do not match, the solution has not fully converged. You may want to increase Max Iterations/Time Step and rerun your simulation.