7.1.3. Particle Reactions

Theoretical information about particle reactions is presented in the following sections: Combusting Particle Surface Reactions

As described in The Multiple Surface Reactions Model, it is possible to define multiple particle surface reactions to model the surface combustion of a combusting discrete-phase particle. This section provides theoretical background about particle surface reactions. Information can be found in the following sections:

For more information about using particle surface reactions, see Combusting Particle Surface Reactions in the User's Guide. General Description

The relationships for calculating char particle burning rates are presented and discussed in detail by Smith  [609]. The particle reaction rate, (-s), can be expressed as



= bulk diffusion coefficient (m/s)


= mean reacting gas species concentration in the bulk ()


= mean reacting gas species concentration at the particle surface ()


= chemical reaction rate coefficient (units vary)


= apparent reaction order (dimensionless)

In Equation 7–98, the concentration at the particle surface, , is not known, so it should be eliminated, and the expression is recast as follows:


This equation has to be solved by an iterative procedure, with the exception of the cases when or . When , Equation 7–99 can be written as


In the case of , if there is a finite concentration of reactant at the particle surface, the solid depletion rate is equal to the chemical reaction rate. If there is no reactant at the surface, the solid depletion rate changes abruptly to the diffusion-controlled rate. In this case, however, Ansys Fluent will always use the chemical reaction rate for stability reasons. Ansys Fluent Model Formulation

A particle undergoing an exothermic reaction in the gas phase is shown schematically in Figure 7.1: A Reacting Particle in the Multiple Surface Reactions Model. and are the temperatures in Equation 12–159.

Figure 7.1: A Reacting Particle in the Multiple Surface Reactions Model

A Reacting Particle in the Multiple Surface Reactions Model

Based on the analysis above, Ansys Fluent uses the following equation to describe the rate of reaction of a particle surface species with the gas phase species . The reaction stoichiometry of reaction in this case is described by


and the rate of reaction is given as




= rate of particle surface species depletion (kg/s)


= particle surface area (m2)


= mass fraction of surface species in the particle


= effectiveness factor (dimensionless)


= rate of particle surface species reaction per unit area (kg/m2/s)


= bulk partial pressure of the gas phase species (Pa)


= diffusion rate coefficient for reaction  (kg/m2/s/Pa)


= kinetic rate of reaction (units vary)


= apparent order of reaction

The effectiveness factor, , is related to the surface area, and can be used in each reaction in the case of multiple reactions. is given by


The kinetic rate of reaction is defined as


The rate of the particle surface species depletion for reaction order is given by


For reaction order ,

(7–107) Extension for Stoichiometries with Multiple Gas Phase Reactants

When more than one gas phase reactant takes part in the reaction, the reaction stoichiometry must be extended to account for this case:


To describe the rate of reaction of a particle surface species in the presence of gas phase species , it is necessary to define the diffusion-limited species for each solid particle reaction, that is, the species for which the concentration gradient between the bulk and the particle surface is the largest. For the rest of the species, the surface and the bulk concentrations are assumed to be equal. The concentration of the diffusion-limited species is shown as and in Figure 7.1: A Reacting Particle in the Multiple Surface Reactions Model, and the concentrations of all other species are denoted as . For stoichiometries with multiple gas phase reactants, the bulk partial pressure in Equation 7–103 and Equation 7–106 is the bulk partial pressure of the diffusion-limited species, for reaction .

The kinetic rate of reaction is then defined as



= bulk partial pressure of gas species


= reaction order in species

When this model is enabled, the constant (Equation 7–104) and the effectiveness factor (Equation 7–102) are entered in the Reactions dialog box (see User Inputs for Particle Surface Reactions in the User's Guide). Solid-Solid Reactions

Reactions involving only particle surface reactants can be modeled, provided that the particle surface reactants and products exist on the same particle.

The reaction rate for this case is given by Equation 7–107. Solid Decomposition Reactions

The decomposition reactions of particle surface species can be modeled.


The reaction rate for this case is given by Equation 7–102Equation 7–109, where the diffusion-limited species is now the gaseous product of the reaction. If there are more than one gaseous product species in the reaction, it is necessary to define the diffusion-limited species for the particle reaction as the species for which the concentration gradient between the bulk and the particle surface is the largest. Solid Deposition Reactions

The deposition reaction of a solid species on a particle can be modeled with the following assumptions:


The theoretical analysis and Equation 7–102Equation 7–109 are applied for the surface reaction rate calculation, with the mass fraction of the surface species set to unity in Equation 7–102, Equation 7–106, and Equation 7–107.

In Ansys Fluent, for the particle surface species to be deposited on a particle, a finite mass of the species must already exist in the particle. This allows for activation of the deposition reaction selectively to particular injection particles. It follows that, to initiate the solid species deposition reaction on a particle, the particle must be defined in the Set Injection Properties Dialog Box (or Set Multiple Injection Properties Dialog Box) to contain a small mass fraction of the solid species to be deposited. For details on defining the particle surface species mass fractions, see Using the Multiple Surface Reactions Model for Discrete-Phase Particle Combustion in the User’s Guide. Gaseous Solid Catalyzed Reactions on the Particle Surface

Reactions of gaseous species catalyzed on the particle surface can also be modeled following Equation 7–102Equation 7–109 for the surface reaction rate calculation, with the mass fraction of the surface species set to unity in Equation 7–102, Equation 7–106, and Equation 7–107. To apply this type of reaction, see Modeling Gaseous Solid Catalyzed Reactions in the User's Guide. For details on defining the particle surface species mass fractions, see Using the Multiple Surface Reactions Model for Discrete-Phase Particle Combustion in the User’s Guide. Multicomponent Particles with Chemical Reactions

Components of multicomponent particles can participate in chemical reactions. Reactions can take place between particle components, or with a gas phase component, and particle components are allowed to evaporate and react in sequence or simultaneously. Several reaction models are available as built-in functionality as well as a user defined option. The multicomponent particle may contain reacting, volatile, or inert components that do not participate in any reactions.

Similarly to the combusting particle solid components, the multicomponent particle components can participate in chemical reactions as described below.

  • Particle species reacts with one or more gas-phase species

  • Particle species reacts with one or more particle species

  • Particle species decomposes to gas phase species

  • A gas phase species is converted to a particle species and is deposited on the particle

  • Catalytic reactions where the gas phase species react on the particle surface without consuming a particle species

For these reaction types, the following reaction models are used in Ansys Fluent:

  • kinetics/diffusion

    The reaction rate is calculated according to Ansys Fluent Model Formulation.

  • surface-kinetics

    The reaction rate is calculated as:



    = rate of reaction of particle component (kg/s)
    = surface area of the particle (m2).
    = effectiveness factor.
    = reaction rate coefficient (kg/(m2s)).
    = mass fraction of particle component .
    = partial pressure of gas reactant .
    = reaction order for gas reactant .

    The reaction rate coefficient is expressed as:



    = pre-exponential factor. The factor must be specified in SI units consistent with those used for the reaction rate on a kg basis.
    = temperature of the particle (K).
    = exponent on temperature.
    = activation energy (J/Kg-mol/K).
    = ideal gas constant.
  • volume-kinetics

    The reaction rate is calculated as:



    = rate of reaction of particle component (kg/s)
    = particle volume (m3).
    = molecular weight of particle component (Kg/Kg-mol)
    = reaction rate coefficient. The reaction rate coefficient has the same form as Equation 7–113, with the units of the pre-exponential factor specified on a kg-mol basis.
    and = concentrations of gas reactant and particle reactant , respectively (Kg-mol/m3).
    and = reaction orders for gas reactant and particle reactant , respectively.
  • phase-change

    In this reaction model, particle component can evaporate con-currently with the other reacting components. Only one solid/condensed particle material is allowed in the reaction stoichiometry as reactant and one gas material as product. The phase-change rate of particle component to gas component is calculated according to:


    = rate of phase-change of particle component (kg/s)
    = surface area of the particle (m2)
    = molecular weight of particle component (Kg/Kg-mol)
    = mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
    and = concentrations of particle reactant at the particle surface and gas phase species , respectively (Kg-mol/m3)
  • thermolysis (free stream particles only)



    = rate of reaction of particle component (kg/s)
    = pre-exponential factor (in consistent SI units on a kg basis).
    = particle diameter (m).
    = temperature of the particle (K).
    = exponent on temperature.
    = activation energy (J/Kg-mol/K).
    = ideal gas constant.

In addition to the above reaction models, you can define your own reaction rate using a user-defined function. For more information on using these models, see Multicomponent Particles with Chemical Reactions in the Fluent User's Guide.