7.1.2. Wall Surface Reactions and Chemical Vapor Deposition

For gas-phase reactions, the reaction rate is defined on a volumetric basis and the net rate of creation and destruction of chemical species becomes a source term in the species conservation equations. For surface reactions, the rate of adsorption and desorption is governed by both chemical kinetics and diffusion to and from the surface. Wall surface reactions therefore create sources and sinks of chemical species in the gas phase, as well as on the reacting surface.

Theoretical information about wall surface reactions and chemical vapor deposition is presented in this section. Information can be found in the following sections:

For more information about using wall surface reactions and chemical vapor deposition, see Wall Surface Reactions and Chemical Vapor Deposition in the User's Guide.

Consider the th wall surface reaction written in general form as follows:


where , , and represent the gas phase species, the bulk (or solid) species, and the surface-adsorbed (or site) species, respectively. , , and are the total numbers of these species. , , and are the stoichiometric coefficients for each reactant species , and , , and are the stoichiometric coefficients for each product species . and are the forward and backward rate of reactions, respectively.

The summations in Equation 7–73 are for all chemical species in the system, but only species involved as reactants or products will have nonzero stoichiometric coefficients. Hence, species that are not involved will drop out of the equation.

The rate of the th reaction is


where represents molar concentrations of surface-adsorbed species on the wall. and are the rate exponents for the gaseous species as reactant and product, respectively, in the reaction. The variables and are the rate exponents for the site species as reactant and product in the reaction. It is assumed that the reaction rate does not depend on concentrations of the bulk (solid) species. From this, the net molar rate of production or consumption of each species is given by




The forward rate constant for reaction () is computed using the Arrhenius expression,



= pre-exponential factor (consistent units)


= temperature exponent (dimensionless)


= activation energy for the reaction (J/kmol)


= universal gas constant (J/kmol-K)

You (or the database) will provide values for , , , , , , , , and .

To include the mass transfer effects and model heat release, refer to Including Mass Transfer To Surfaces in the Continuity Equation, Wall Surface Mass Transfer Effects in the Energy Equation, and Modeling the Heat Release Due to Wall Surface Reactions in the User's Guide.

If the reaction is reversible, the backward rate constant for reaction , is computed from the forward rate constant using the following relation:


where is the equilibrium constant for th reaction computed from


where denotes the atmospheric pressure (101325 Pa). The term within the exponential function represents the change in the Gibbs free energy, and its components are computed per Equation 7–26 and Equation 7–27.

is the number of different types of sites, is the site density of site type . and are the stoichiometric coefficients of the th site species of type in reaction . Surface Coverage Reaction Rate Modification

Ansys Fluent has the option to modify the surface reaction rate as a function of species site coverages. In such cases, the forward rate constant for the th reaction is evaluated as,


In Equation 7–81, the three surface coverage rate modification parameters for species in reaction are , and . These parameters default to zero for reaction species that are not surface rate modifying. The surface (coverage) site fraction, is the fraction of surface sites covered by species , and is defined as,


where is the surface site concentration and is the surface site density (see Equation 7–87). Reaction-Diffusion Balance for Surface Chemistry

Reactions at surfaces change gas-phase, surface-adsorbed (site) and bulk (solid) species. On reacting surfaces, the mass flux of each gas species due to diffusion and convection to/from the surface is balanced with its rate of consumption/production on the surface,



The mass fraction at the wall is related to concentration by


is the net rate of mass deposition or etching as a result of surface reaction; that is,


is the site species concentration at the wall, and is defined as


where is the site density and is the site coverage of species .

Equation 7–83 and Equation 7–84 are solved for the dependent variables and using a point-by-point coupled Newton solver. When the Newton solver fails, Equation 7–83 and Equation 7–84 are solved by time marching in an ODE solver until convergence. If the ODE solver fails, reaction-diffusion balance is disabled, is assumed equal to the cell-center value , and only the site coverages are advanced in the ODE solver to convergence. You can manually disable reaction-diffusion balance with the text interface command define/models/species/reaction-diffusion-balance.

The effective gas-phase reaction source terms are then available for solution of the gas-phase species transport Equation 7–1.

The diffusion term in Equation 7–83 is calculated as the difference in the species mass fraction at the cell center and the wall-face center, divided by the normal distance between these center points. Ansys Fluent models the reactions that take place inside catalyst structures by introducing the Surface Area Washcoat Factor. Generally, a washcoat is a carrier in which the catalytic materials are suspended. These materials increase the surface area compared to the bare substrate by forming a rough and irregular surface; increasing the catalytically active reacting area available for surface reaction. To utilize the available reacting surface, Ansys Fluent provides an option to define a washcoat factor. This coefficient is multiplied by the reacting surface to calculate the available reacting surface which modifies the surface reaction rates linearly. Ansys Fluent can also model surface chemistry on unresolved walls using a porous media model. This model is appropriate for catalytic tube-banks or porous foam matrices where it is not feasible to resolve the individual walls. When surface reaction is enabled in porous cell zones, the Surface-to-Volume Ratio must be specified. The wall normal distance required for the diffusion term in Equation 7–83 is calculated as the inverse of the surface-to-volume ratio. Slip Boundary Formulation for Low-Pressure Gas Systems

Most semiconductor fabrication devices operate far below atmospheric pressure, typically only a few millitorrs. At such low pressures, the fluid flow is in the slip regime and the normally used no-slip boundary conditions for velocity and temperature are no longer valid.

The Knudsen number, denoted , and defined as the ratio of mean free path to a characteristic length scale of the system, is used to quantify continuum flow regimes. Since the mean free path increases as the pressure is lowered, the high end of values represents free molecular flow and the low end the continuum regime. The range in between these two extremes is called the slip regime (0.01<<0.1) [63] In the slip regime, the gas-phase velocity at a solid surface differs from the velocity at which the wall moves, and the gas temperature at the surface differs from the wall temperature. Maxwell’s models are adopted for these physical phenomena in Ansys Fluent for their simplicity and effectiveness.

  • velocity slip



    Here, and represent the velocity components that are tangential and normal to the wall, respectively. The subscripts , and indicate gas, wall and cell-center velocities. is the distance from cell center to the wall. is the characteristic length. is the momentum accommodation coefficient of the gas mixture and its value is calculated as mass-fraction weighted average of each gas species in the system.


    The mean free path, , is computed as follows:



    is the Lennard-Jones characteristic length of species . is the Boltzmann constant, .

    Equation 7–88 and Equation 7–89 indicate that while the gas velocity component normal to the wall is the same as the wall normal velocity, the tangential components slip. The values lie somewhere between the cell-center and the wall values. These two equations can be combined to give a generalized formulation:




  • temperature jump


    or equivalently




    is the thermal accommodation coefficient of the gas mixture and is calculated as .

Important:  The low-pressure slip boundary formulation is available only with the pressure-based solver.