8.3.2. Partially Premixed Combustion Theory

The partially premixed model solves a transport equation for the mean reaction progress variable, , or the mean flame position, (to determine the position of the flame front), as well as the mean mixture fraction, and the mixture fraction variance, . The Flamelet Generated Manifold model has an option to solve a transport equation for the reaction progress variable variance, , or to use an algebraic expression. Ahead of the flame (), the fuel and oxidizer are mixed but unburnt and behind the flame (), the mixture is burnt. Chemical Equilibrium and Steady Diffusion Flamelet Models

Density weighted mean scalars (such as species fractions and temperature), denoted by , are calculated from the probability density function (PDF) of and as


Under the assumption of thin flames, so that only unburnt reactants and burnt products exist, the mean scalars are determined from


where the subscripts and denote burnt and unburnt, respectively.

The burnt scalars, , are functions of the mixture fraction and are calculated by mixing a mass of fuel with a mass of oxidizer and allowing the mixture to equilibrate. When non-adiabatic mixtures and/or diffusion laminar flamelets are considered, is also a function of enthalpy and/or strain, but this does not alter the basic formulation. The unburnt scalars, , are calculated similarly by mixing a mass of fuel with a mass of oxidizer, but the mixture is not reacted.

Just as in the non-premixed model, the chemistry calculations and PDF integrations for the burnt mixture are performed in Ansys Fluent, and look-up tables are constructed.

It is important to understand that in the limit of perfectly premixed combustion, the equivalence ratio and hence mixture fraction is constant. Hence, the mixture fraction variance and its scalar dissipation are zero. If you are using laminar diffusion flamelets, the flamelet at the lowest strain will always be interpolated, and if you have Include Equilibrium Flamelet enabled, the Ansys Fluent solution will be identical to a calculation with a chemical equilibrium PDF table. Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) Model

The Laminar Flamelet model (see The Diffusion Flamelet Models Theory) postulates that a turbulent flame is an ensemble of laminar flames that have an internal structure not significantly altered by the turbulence. These laminar flamelets are embedded in the turbulent flame brush using statistical averaging. The Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) [666] model assumes that the scalar evolution (that is the realized trajectories on the thermochemical manifold) in a turbulent flame can be approximated by the scalar evolution in a laminar flame. Both Laminar Flamelet and FGM parameterize all species and temperature by a few variables, such as mixture-fraction, scalar-dissipation and/or reaction-progress, and solve transport equations for these parameters in a 3D CFD simulation.

Note that the FGM model is fundamentally different from the Laminar Flamelet model. For instance, since Laminar Flamelets are parameterized by strain, the thermochemistry always tends to chemical equilibrium as the strain rate decays towards the outlet of the combustor. In contrast, the FGM model is parameterized by reaction progress and the flame can be fully quenched, for example, by adding dilution air. No assumption of thin and intact flamelets is made by FGM, and the model can theoretically be applied to the stirred reactor limit, as well as to ignition and extinction modeling.

Any type of laminar flame can be used to parameterize an FGM. Ansys Fluent can either import an FGM calculated in a third-party flamelet code and written in Standard file format (see Standard Files for Flamelet Generated Manifold Modeling in the User's Guide), or calculate an FGM from 1D steady premixed flamelets or 1D diffusion flamelets.

In general, premixed FGMs should be used for turbulent partially-premixed flames that are predominantly premixed. Similarly, diffusion FGMs should be used for turbulent partially-premixed flames that are predominantly non-premixed. For further instructions on how to use the FGM model, see Flamelet Generated Manifold in the Fluent User's Guide. Premixed FGMs in Reaction Progress Variable Space

While the only possible configuration for a diffusion flamelet in 1D is opposed flow, 1D steady premixed flamelets can have several configurations. These include unstrained adiabatic freely-propagating, unstrained non-adiabatic burner-stabilized, as well as a strained opposed flow premixed flames.

1D premixed flamelets can be solved in physical space (for example, [546], [97]), then transformed to reaction-progress space in the Ansys Fluent premixed flamelet file format, and imported into Ansys Fluent. Alternatively 1D premixed flamelets can be generated in Ansys Fluent, which solves the flamelets in reaction-progress space. The reaction progress variable is defined as a normalized sum of the product species mass fractions:


superscript denotes the unburnt reactant at the flame inlet
denotes the species mass fraction
superscript denotes chemical equilibrium at the flame outlet
  are constants that are typically zero for reactants and unity for a few product species

The coefficients should be prescribed so that the reaction progress increases monotonically through the flame. By default, for all species other than , which are selected for hydrocarbon combustion. In the case where the element is missing from the chemical mechanism, such as combustion, Ansys Fluent uses for all species other than and , by default. For hydrogen blended fuels, the coefficients are defined based on the mass fraction of hydrogen in the fuel as:

where is the mass fraction of the hydrogen in the fuel composition. The coefficients can be specified in the user interface when generating FGM.

The 1D adiabatic premixed flame equations can be transformed from physical-space to reaction-progress space [477], [388]. Neglecting differential-diffusion, these equations are



where is the species mass fraction, is the temperature, is the fluid density, is time, is the species mass reaction rate, is the total enthalpy, and is the species specific heat at constant pressure.

The scalar-dissipation rate, in Equation 8–108 and Equation 8–109 is defined as


where is the thermal conductivity. Note that varies with and is an input to the equation set. If is taken from a 1D physical-space, adiabatic, equi-diffusivity flamelet calculation, either freely-propagating (unstrained) or opposed-flow (strained), the -space species and temperature distributions would be identical to the physical-space solution. However, is generally not known and is modeled in Ansys Fluent as


where is a user-specified maximum scalar dissipation within the premixed flamelet, and is the inverse complementary error function.

A 1D premixed flamelet is calculated at a single equivalence ratio, which can be directly related to a corresponding mixture fraction. For partially-premixed combustion, premixed laminar flamelets must be generated over a range of mixture fractions. Premixed flamelets at different mixture fractions have different maximum scalar dissipations, . In Ansys Fluent, the scalar dissipation at any mixture fraction is modeled as


where indicates stoichiometric mixture fraction.

Hence, the only model input to the premixed flamelet generator in Ansys Fluent is the scalar dissipation at stoichiometric mixture fraction, . The default value is 1/s, which reasonably matches solutions of unstrained (freely propagating) physical-space flamelets for rich, lean, and stoichiometric hydrocarbon and hydrogen flames at standard temperature and pressure.

The following are important points to consider about premixed flamelet generation in Ansys Fluent in general and when specifying in particular:

  • It is common in the FGM approach to use unstrained, freely-propagating premixed flamelets. However, for highly turbulent flames where the instantaneous premixed flame front is stretched and distorted by the turbulence, a strained premixed flamelet may be a better representation of the manifold. The Ansys Fluent FGM model allows a premixed flamelet generated manifold at a single, representative strain rate, .

  • Calculating flamelets in physical-space can be compute-intensive and difficult to converge over the entire mixture fraction range, especially with large kinetic mechanisms at the flammability limits. The Ansys Fluent solution in reaction-progress space is substantially faster and more robust than a corresponding physical-space solution. However, if physical-space solutions (for example, from [546], [97]) are preferred, they can be generated with an external code, transformed to reaction-progress space, and imported in Ansys Fluent's Standard Flamelet file format.

  • A more appropriate value of than the default (1000/s) for the specific fuel and operating conditions of your combustor can be determined from a physical-space premixed flamelet solution at stoichiometric mixture fraction. This premixed flamelet solution can be unstrained or strained. through the flamelet is then calculated from Equation 8–110 and is the maximum value of .

  • As is increased, the solution of temperature and species fractions as a function of tends to the thin-flamelet chemical equilibrium solution, which is linear between unburnt at and chemical equilibrium at . The minimum specified should be that in a freely-propagating flame. For smaller values of , the Ansys Fluent premixed flamelet generator will have difficulties converging. When Ansys Fluent fails to converge steady premixed flamelets at rich mixture fractions, equilibrium thin-flamelet solutions are used.

  • The Ansys Fluent partially-premixed model can be used to model partially-premixed flames ranging from the non-premixed to the perfectly-premixed limit. In the non-premixed limit, reaction progress is unity everywhere in the domain and all premixed streams are fully burnt. In the premixed limit, the mixture fraction is constant in the domain. When creating a partially-premixed PDF table, the interface requires specification of the fuel and oxidizer compositions and temperatures. For partially-premixed flames, the fuel composition can be modeled as pure fuel, in which case any premixed inlet would be set to the corresponding mixture fraction, which is less than one. Alternatively, the fuel composition can be specified in the interface as a premixed inlet composition, containing both fuel and oxidizer components. In this latter case, the mixture fraction at premixed inlets would be set to one.

  • You can use the automated grid refinement (AGR) when solving premixed flamelets. In the context of the FGM model, the grid in the reaction-progress space is refined. For information on the AGR, see Steady Diffusion Flamelet Automated Grid Refinement. Premixed FGMs in Physical Space

The premixed FGM flamelets solved in reaction progress space using Equation 8–108 and Equation 8–109 require a closure of the scalar dissipation term. Ansys Fluent calculates the scalar dissipation in the progress variable using Equation 8–112, which is controlled by the following two parameters:

  • Maximum value of the scalar dissipation for each mixture fraction

  • Distribution of the scalar dissipation with respect to the reaction progress

The maximum value of the scalar dissipation in Equation 8–112 is provided as a user input and is approximately calculated using the values of the flame thickness. The distribution of the scalar dissipation with respect to the reaction progress is modeled as a symmetric profile around the progress variable value c = 0.5 that decays exponentially towards the boundaries where c=0 or c =1.

Both approximations compromise the accuracy of the premixed FGM solution. If the flamelet equations are solved in the physical space, the scalar dissipation field is computed as part of the solution, and no assumption such as the shape of the scalar dissipation is made. Ansys Fluent allows you to generate the premixed FGM by solving flamelets in physical space using the Ansys Chemkin premixed flamelet generator. The governing equations and the method for solving laminar premixed flames are described in 1-D Premixed Laminar Flames in the Chemkin Theory Manual.

Figure 8.17: The Scalar Dissipation Rate Along The Normalized Reaction Progress Variable shows a distribution of the scalar dissipation for a stoichiometric methane air flamelet at 1 atm pressure calculated by the Ansys Chemkin premixed flamelet generator. The profile of the scalar dissipation exhibits an asymmetric peak distribution, which is consistent with the experimental results.

Figure 8.17: The Scalar Dissipation Rate Along The Normalized Reaction Progress Variable

The Scalar Dissipation Rate Along The Normalized Reaction Progress Variable Diffusion FGMs

For turbulent partially-premixed flames that are predominantly non-premixed, diffusion FGMs are a better representation of the thermochemistry than premixed FGMs. An example of this is modeling CO emissions from a gas-turbine combustor where the primary combustion zone is quenched by rapid mixing with dilution air. If the outlet equivalence ratio is less than the flammability limit of a corresponding premixed flamelet, the premixed FGM will predict sub-equilibrium CO, even if the combustor is quenched (). A diffusion FGM, however, will better predict super-equilibrium CO for .

Diffusion FGMs are calculated in Ansys Fluent using the diffusion laminar flamelet generator as detailed in Flamelet Generation. Steady diffusion flamelets are generated over a range of scalar dissipation rates by starting from a very small strain (0.01/s by default) and increasing this in increments (5/s by default) until the flamelet extinguishes. The diffusion FGM is calculated from the steady diffusion laminar flamelets by converting the flamelet species fields to reaction progress, (see Equation 8–107). As the strain rate increases, the flamelet chemistry departs further from chemical equilibrium and decreases from unity towards the extinction reaction, .

Once the flame extincts, Ansys Fluent uses the time-history starting from the last successfully generated flamelet to obtain the unstable flamelets and, therefore, complete the entire FGM.

The Automated grid refinement (AGR) can be used when generating steady diffusion laminar flamelets. In the context of the diffusion FGM model, the gird in the mixture fraction space is refined. For information about the AGR, see Steady Diffusion Flamelet Automated Grid Refinement. Nonadiabatic Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM)

The FGM manifold is generated by different types of flamelets (premixed or diffusion) as described in Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) Model. The flamelets that constitute the manifold are generated with the adiabatic assumption. The generation process uses a single value of fuel and oxidizer inlet temperatures and, therefore, a single value of enthalpy at the fuel and oxidizer boundaries. The reference or representative temperature at the fuel and oxidizer inlets is used as fuel and oxidizer temperatures. The nonadiabatic PDF is generated from adiabatic flamelets assuming that the species composition does not depend on heat loss, and only physical properties (such as density and specific heat) are temperature-dependent. This assumption is reasonable for a large number of cases where the heat loss (and therefore the enthalpy variation) inside the combustor is a small fraction of reference enthalpy at which the adiabatic flamelets have been generated.

However, there are many scenarios where the enthalpy variation inside the combustor is significant. Examples of such cases involve:

  • Combustor walls at much lower temperature than flame temperature, which leads to the high heat loss through the walls

  • Multiple fuel and oxidizer inlets with different temperatures

  • Post flame quenching

  • Participating medium such as spray involving heat transfer with gas phase

  • Participating medium (such as soot) that enhances heat transfer

  • Temperature-sensitive species (such as NOx)

In such cases, the enthalpy changes within the system are not negligible, and therefore there is a considerable temperature variation inside the combustor. For such applications, the assumption of adiabatic flamelets can compromise the solution accuracy. To improve the fidelity of modeling combustion physics for these applications, the effect of heat loss or gain on the species composition should be considered. This can be achieved by generating flamelets with heat loss and gain.

Nonadiabatic Flamelet Generation

When generating flamelets, heat loss or gain can be modeled in different ways:

  • including a heat sink term in the flamelet equations

  • including the radiative heat loss in the flamelet equations

  • generating flamelets with multiple reference conditions of temperature and enthalpies

The choice of the optimal method for flamelet generation is determined by the following factors:

  • Computational efficiency of the manifold generation and optimal size of manifold

  • Unique definition of each point in the manifold by reduced set of scalars (such as mixture fraction, progress variable and enthalpy) solved in the CFD solution.

To model the effects of heat loss on the species composition, Ansys Fluent solves flamelets for different ranges of reference temperature and enthalpy conditions. The heat loss is modeled by generating successive flamelets with decreasing enthalpies of the fuel and oxidizer boundaries. For each enthalpy range, the flamelets can be efficiently generated using a freely propagating flame solved in physical space as described in Premixed FGMs in Physical Space.

However, high heat loss (and therefore low enthalpy) values at fuel/oxidizer inlets can give unphysically low temperatures at the inlets, resulting in inaccurate flamelets. Therefore, the freely propagating flames can be used to model only low heat losses, and an alternative strategy is required to mimic high heat loss. Burner-stabilized flames described in Pre-mixed Burner-stabilized Stagnation Flame in the Chemkin Theory Manual is one of such approaches that allows modeling flamelets with high heat loss.

Ansys Fluent uses an optimized flamelet generation strategy, in which the nonadiabatic flamelets are generated in physical space by the Chemkin premix flamelet generator using a combination of the 1d premix freely propagating flame and the premixed burner stabilized flame. The Chemkin premix flamelet generator automatically chooses the solution method and the transition from one solution method to another based on the inlet species composition and enthalpy at the inlets.

For more information about these approaches, see the following sections in the Chemkin Theory Manual: FGM Turbulent Closure

The reaction progress variable is defined as a normalized fraction of product species (see Equation 8–107), namely . Note that the denominator, , is only a function of the local mixture fraction. When the Flamelet Generated Manifold model is enabled, Ansys Fluent solves a transport equation for the un-normalized progress variable, , and not the normalized progress variable, . This has two advantages. Firstly, since there are usually no products in the oxidizer stream, is zero and is undefined here (in other words, burnt air is the same as unburnt air). This can lead to difficulties in specifying oxidizer boundary conditions where oxidizer is mixed into unburnt reactants before the flame, as well as into burnt products behind the flame. Solving for avoids these issues and the solution is independent of the specified boundary value of for pure oxidizer inlets. The second advantage of solving for is that flame quenching can be modeled naturally. Consider a burnt stream in chemical equilibrium () that is rapidly quenched with an air jet. Since the equation in Ansys Fluent does not have a source term dependent on changes in mixture fraction, remains at unity and hence the diluted mixture remains at chemical equilibrium. Solving for can capture quenching since changes with mixture fraction, and the normalized reaction progress is correctly less than unity after mixing. To model these two effects with the normalized equation, additional terms involving derivatives and cross-derivatives of mixture fraction would be required [76]. However, these terms do not appear in the transport equation for the density-weighted un-normalized progress variable:


where is laminar thermal conductivity of the mixture, is the mixture specific heat.

Typically, in the FGM model, the mean source term is modeled as:


where is the joint PDF of reaction-progress () and mixture fraction (), and is the Finite-Rate flamelet source term from the flamelet library. Similar to Equation 8–88, the mean source term is multiplied by a wall damping constant at the wall boundaries. The default value of is unity.

The source term determines the turbulent flame position. Errors in both the approximation of the variance, as well as the assumed shape Beta PDF, can cause inaccurate flame positions.

Ansys Fluent has another option for modeling turbulence-chemistry interaction for the source term, in which the closure is based on the turbulent flame speed:


which is essentially the same source term when using the chemical equilibrium and diffusion flamelet partially-premixed models. An advantage of using a turbulent flame speed is that model constants can be calibrated to predict the correct flame position. In contrast, there are no direct parameters to control the FGM finite-rate source (Equation 8–114), and hence the flame position.

The joint PDF, in Equation 8–114, is specified as the product of two beta PDFs. The beta PDFs require second moments (that is, variances). The variance of the un-normalized reaction progress variable is modeled either with a transport equation


where ,

or with an algebraic expression


where is the turbulence length scale and is a constant with a default value of 0.1.

For the SBES turbulence model, a blending formulation is used for the variance of the un-normalized reaction progress variable in the following way:


where subscripts and correspond to the RANS and LES modeling regions, respectively, and is the shielding function defined in Equation 4–297. Scalar Transport with FGM Closure

In the FGM model, the species concentration is obtained from reduced variables, such as the mixture fraction, progress variable, and their variances. Since the definition of the progress variable is predominantly based on the global species, the progress variable tracks the evolution of the major species and heat release reactions. In a reacting mixture, however, not all species evolve at the same rate due to the differences in their time scales. For example, the global progress variable may approach the unity, which marks the completion of a reaction. Meanwhile, a slow forming species, such as nitric oxide NO, may still be evolving. Therefore, mapping that is performed solely on the basis of the global progress variable may lead to inaccurate results for the slow-forming species.

The progress variable is a reduced-order modeling approach that is based on a representative time scale of a reacting mixture. In reality, different species within a reacting mixture may have large disparities in their reaction time scales. Reduced-order models cannot capture these disparities. Solving for multiple separate transport equations for slow-forming species is one of the alternative approaches that will account for differences in the time scales of species evolution. Within the framework of the FGM model, Ansys Fluent provides an option to solve generic transport scalar equations, in addition to the global progress variable equation. These generic scalar transport equations can be solved for minor species that are low in concentration and, therefore, have no feedback on the main flow field, and that have time scales much slower than those of the major species in the mixture.

The transport equation of a generic scalar solved with the FGM model in Ansys Fluent has the following form:


In this equation, the scalar that is to be transported can be a mass fraction of any species in the mixture. The last term is the reaction source term. It represents the net production rate of the scalar and is computed as the difference between its forward reaction rates and revere reaction rates.

The forward reaction rates of the scalar are not dependent on the value of . Therefore, they can be pre-tabulated and stored in the PDF table. On the other hand, the reverse reaction rates of the scalar are dependent on the concentration of . Therefore, the pre-tabulated values for the reverse reaction rates need to be corrected based on the solved transport scalar equation [268].

In Ansys Fluent, the reverse reaction rates are first calculated using the prevailing values of the scalar , and then they are stored in the PDF table. At the run time, the reverse reaction rates are scaled using the value of the solved transport scalar in the following way:


where and are the forward and revere reaction rates, respectively, and is an averaged value of the transported scalar stored in the PDF table. This methodology allows the consumption of the scalar to respond to the slow evolution of the scalar solved.

The scalar transport model assumes that all the species, except for those solved as scalars, will occur over relatively short time scales. The scalar solved in Equation 8–119 is treated as a passive scalar, with no impact on the flow field, temperature, or mixture properties. Therefore, the scalar transport option should be used only for species that are low in concentration and that also have a slow formation rate. A typical example of such a species (for which a mass fraction can be solved as a scalar) is nitric oxide (NO). In the case of multiple scalar equations, the scalar equation for each species is solved independently, and the concentration of the remaining species is taken from the PDF tables.

Note:  The scalar equations are treated as passive scalars that do not provide feedback to the flow equations or mixture properties. Therefore, for steady-state simulations, these equations can be solved in a post-processing mode, as for example, when modeling pollutant formation in Ansys Fluent. Calculation of Mixture Properties

The flamelets generated using the premixed or diffusion FGM model store instantaneous species mass fractions and temperature as a function of the local mixture fraction and the progress variable . The mean thermochemical properties of the mixture are determined by averaging the instantaneous thermochemical property values using the modeled PDF as:


where denotes the species mass fraction or temperature from the flamelet files. In addition to temperature and species mass fraction, other mixture properties, such as specific heat, density, and molecular weight, can also be evaluated using Equation 8–121. The average mixture properties for an adiabatic system are represented as a function of mean mixture fraction , mean progress variable , and their variances and and are stored inside a four-dimensional PDF table:


Non-adiabatic Extension for Average Mixture Properties Calculation

Similar to Non-Adiabatic Extensions of the Non-Premixed Model, the fluctuations of enthalpy are ignored with the non-adiabatic extension to the PDF model. The average mixture properties for non-adiabatic partially premixed combustion using FGM can then be calculated as:


where is the mean enthalpy.

For non-adiabatic systems, each of the average mixture properties is a function of five independent variables:


Calculation of average mixture properties using Equation 8–123 and Equation 8–124 requires a five-dimensional PDF table, which places an enormous demand on memory and could be computationally expensive. In order to optimize the run-time memory requirements and computational cost, the non-adiabatic PDF tables are generated with the following assumptions:

  • Species mass fractions are not sensitive to the enthalpy change

  • The mixture-averaged properties other than species mass fractions are computed using average progress variable

With these assumptions, the average species mass fraction and, therefore, molecular weight can be calculated using Equation 8–122, ignoring the enthalpy level. The other mixture properties, such as temperature, specific heat, and density, account for the enthalpy changes and are estimated as:


(8–126) Calculation of Unburnt Properties

For FGM models, all properties, burnt or unburnt, are computed from the PDF tables as described in Equation 8–125 and Equation 8–126. However, for non-FGM models, unburnt properties are computed as described in this section.

Turbulent fluctuations are neglected for the unburnt mixture, so the mean unburnt scalars, , are functions of only. The unburnt density, temperature, specific heat, and thermal diffusivity are fitted in Ansys Fluent to third-order polynomials of using linear least squares:


Since the unburnt scalars are smooth and slowly-varying functions of , these polynomial fits are generally accurate. Access to polynomials is provided in case you want to modify them.

When the secondary mixture fraction model is enabled, the unburnt density, temperature, specific heat, thermal diffusivity, and laminar flame speed are calculated as follows: polynomial functions are calculated for a mixture of pure primary fuel and oxidizer, as described above, and are a function of the mean primary mixture fraction, . Similar polynomial functions are calculated for a mixture of pure secondary fuel and oxidizer, and are a function of the normalized secondary mixture fraction, . The unburnt properties in a cell are then calculated as a weighted function of the mean primary mixture fraction and mean secondary normalized mixture fraction as,

(8–128) Laminar Flame Speed

The premixed models require the laminar flame speed (see Equation 8–77), which depends strongly on the composition, temperature, and pressure of the unburnt mixture. For adiabatic perfectly premixed systems as in Premixed Combustion, the reactant stream has one composition, and the laminar flame speed is constant throughout the domain. However, in partially premixed systems, the laminar flame speed will change as the reactant composition (equivalence ratio) changes, and this must be taken into account.

Accurate laminar flame speeds are difficult to determine analytically, and are usually measured from experiments or computed from 1D simulations. For the partially-premixed model, in addition to the laminar flame speed model options described in Laminar Flame Speed, namely constant, user-defined function, and Metghalchi-Keck, Ansys Fluent offers the following methods:

  • prepdf-polynomial

    The prepdf-polynomial method is based on fitted curves obtained from numerical simulations of the laminar flame speed [216]. These curves were determined for hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), acetylene, ( C2H2), ethylene, ( C2H4), ethane, ( C2H6), and propane (C3H8) fuels. They are valid for inlet compositions ranging from the lean limit through unity equivalence ratio (stoichiometric), for unburnt temperatures from 298 K to 800 K, and for pressures from 1 bar to 40 bars.

  • laminar-flame-speed-computed

    For the laminar-flame-speed-computed method, the laminar flame speed is computed by the Ansys Chemkin premix flame reactor model using 1-D premixed laminar flames in physical space. The calculations are based on the boundary conditions provided for the fuel and oxidizer. The governing equations and the method for solving 1-D premixed laminar flames are described in 1-D Premixed Laminar Flames in the Chemkin Theory Manual.

    Although the laminar-flame-speed-computed method is a generalized method that can be used for any fuel and operating conditions, it is particularly useful when a blend of fuels with significantly different flame characteristics (for example, a fuel blend of hydrogen and natural gas) is simulated.

  • laminar-flame-speed-library

    In the laminar-flame-speed-library method, the laminar flame speed is calculated using the table lookup. Ansys Fluent comes installed with pre-built laminar flame-speed tables for the following most common hydrocarbon fuels:


    For additional information about pre-built laminar flame-speed tables, see Flame-Speed Tables Installed with Ansys Forte in the Ansys Forte User's Guide.

    The laminar flame-speed tables were generated using the Ansys Chemkin [102] Flame-speed Table Generator. In the generator, the laminar flame speed was computed by considering a freely propagating 1D adiabatic premixed flame. For each fuel, a detailed chemical reaction mechanism was abstracted from a master mechanism with over 3000 species. The generator conducted numerous numerical simulations in order to cover a wide range of pressure, temperature, equivalent ratio, and EGR conditions. The calculated flame speed values were then tabulated. The conditions covered for the built-in tables are summarized in the following table:

    Parameter varied

    Range of values

    Equivalence ratio


    Pressure (bar)


    Unburnt temperature (K)


    Dilution(EGR) rate by mass


    For Hydrogen and CO, the equivalence ratio tabulation spans 0.3 to 6.0. For all other fuels, the maximum value is 2.0 as denoted in the above table.

    If an unburnt mixture contains multiple fuels, a mixing law is used to compute the mixture laminar flame speed.

For all these methods, Ansys Fluent fits the curves to a piecewise-linear polynomial. Mixtures leaner than the lean limit or richer than the rich limit will not burn and have zero flame speed. The required inputs are values for the laminar flame speed at 20 mixture fraction () points.

For non-adiabatic simulations, such as heat transfer at walls or compressive heating, the unburnt mixture temperature may deviate from its adiabatic value. The piecewise-linear function of mixture fraction is unable to account for this effect on the laminar flame speed. You can include non-adiabatic effects on the laminar flame speed by enabling Non-Adiabatic Laminar Flame Speed, which tabulates the laminar speeds in the PDF table by evaluating the curve fits from [216] at the enthalpy levels in the PDF table. Note that the tabulated mean laminar flame speed accounts for fluctuations in the mixture fraction.

Important:  In the prepdf-polynomial method, the flame speed fits are accurate for air mixtures with pure fuels of H2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H8. If an oxidizer other than air or a different fuel is used, or if the unburnt temperature or pressure is outside the range of validity, then the curve fits will be incorrect. Although Ansys Fluent defaults to a methane-air mixture, the laminar flame speed polynomial and the rich and lean limits are most likely incorrect for your specified fuel/oxidizer and unburnt temperature/pressure conditions. Strained Laminar Flame Speed

In the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) model, the reaction source term for the progress variable equation can be modeled using either the finite rate source as in Equation 8–114 or the turbulent flame speed closure as in Equation 8–115. When the turbulent flame speed closure is employed, Ansys Fluent tabulates the laminar flame speed using either prepdf polynomials or the flame speed library as described in Laminar Flame Speed. The flame speed computed from different methods described in Laminar Flame Speed is obtained by solving one-dimensional premixed freely propagating flame configurations. The flame speed is then expressed as a polynomial function of the mixture fraction.

In most practical combustion systems, the flames experience strain due to various factors such as turbulence, swirl, geometry, and so on. The impact of the strain rate on the flame can be neglected for a wide range of applications, and, therefore, the flame speed can be computed using the freely propagating flames with reasonable accuracy. However, the impact of the strain on the flame is magnified in certain scenarios such as the lean blow-off limit, highly swirling flames with lean premixed conditions, and so on. For these applications, using the unstrained flame speed can often over-predict the flame speed and may lead to inaccurate prediction of critical combustion characteristics. In such cases, the accuracy of the combustion modeling can be improved if the impact of the strain rate on the flame speed is taken into account.

Such effects are considered in the strained flame speed model in Ansys Fluent. In this model, the strained flame speed is tabulated as a function of the strain rate and mixture fraction. For each strain rate and mixture fraction, the strained flame speed is calculated using one-dimensional premixed opposed-flow strained flamelets. The computational domain of this configuration contains two opposed-flow inlets and one-dimensional solution domain in physical space. The configuration schematics for flamelet generation is shown in Figure 8.18: Premix Opposed Flow Configuration for the Strained Flame Speed.

Figure 8.18: Premix Opposed Flow Configuration for the Strained Flame Speed

Premix Opposed Flow Configuration for the Strained Flame Speed

The premixed opposed-flow strained flamelets are solved in physical space using the Ansys Chemkin Oppdif solver. The details of the Oppdif solver are provided in Opposed-flow and Stagnation Flames in the Chemkin Theory Manual.

The strained flamelets use the following boundary conditions for the two inlets:

  • Premixed unburnt mixture inlet: A premixed unburnt mixture with a specified mixture fraction at one of the inlets

  • Premixed burnt mixture inlet: A composition of a fully burnt mixture with the same mixture fraction as for the premixed unburnt mixture at the second inlet

Flamelet Generation and Flame Speed Calculations

The strain rate (1/s) is computed as



= burning rate of fuel
= velocity at the unburnt mixture inlet
= distance between the two inlets

If both inlet jets have equal momentum, then


where and are the densities of the unburnt and burnt mixtures, respectively.

From Equation 8–129 and Equation 8–130, the strain rate can be obtained as:


The strained flamelets are generated to increase the strain rate to its maximum value. For a given strain rate, both inlet velocities are computed using Equation 8–130 and Equation 8–131. The strained flame speed for a given mixture fraction and strain rate is computed as:


where is the burning rate of fuel, and is the mass fraction of the fuel. Prior to the CFD solution, the strained flame speed is computed as a function of the strain rate and mixture fraction and stored as a table.

During the CFD solution, the strained flame speed is interpolated as a function of the mixture fraction and computed strain rate using the stored data. It is then used in the turbulent flame speed closure in Equation 8–115:

Strain Rate Calculation in the CFD Solution

The solution of the strained flamelets is used to compute the strained flame speed, which is tabulated as a function of the strain rate and mixture fraction. The mixture fraction is obtained from the solution of the transport equation as described in Premixed FGMs in Physical Space. The total strain rate in the CFD solution is computed using the local flow conditions as a sum of the strain rate due to mean flow and due to turbulence [646]:


where the strain rate due to mean flow is computed as:


and the strain rate due to the turbulent flow is modeled as [118]:


In the above equations,

= flow velocity in the control volume
= unit normal to the flame surface; , where is the progress variable
= turbulent dissipation rate
= turbulent kinetic energy
= intermediate turbulent net flame stretch (ITNFS) term
= user-speecified coefficient that determines the weight of the term relative to a straightforward turbulent time scale (default = 1)

For RANS-based turbulence models, =1.

For LES models, is computed as:






In Equation 8–136 thru Equation 8–138, the following notations are used:

= turbulent velocity fluctuation
= laminar flame speed
= integral turbulent length scale
= laminar flame thickness Strained Non-Adiabatic Flame Speed

Many combustion devices involve significant heat loss through the walls. In such cases, the flame speed is not only dependent on the strain rate, but also sensitive to the heat loss. To account for the impact of heat loss on strained flamelets, Ansys Fluent provides a non-adiabatic extension of the strained flame speed. In this approach, the flame speed is computed using the premixed opposed flow configuration (see Figure 8.18: Premix Opposed Flow Configuration for the Strained Flame Speed) with a different heat loss parameter applied on the premixed burnt mixture side inlet.

The heat loss is caused by cooling the burned products, and the heat loss parameter is defined as:


where is the temperature achieved by cooling the burned products, and is the temperature of the premixed burnt mixture without any heat loss.

For the non-adiabatic strained flame speed calculation, the strained flamelets are generated for different levels of the heat loss parameter. =0 corresponds to no heat loss, and therefore gives the strained adiabatic flame speed. The non-adiabatic strained flame speed is stored in a three-dimensional table as a function of the mixture fraction (), strain rate (), and heat loss parameter ():


During the CFD solution, the heat loss parameter () is calculated for each cell volume as a ratio of temperatures for cell enthalpy () and adiabatic enthalpy () obtained for the same mixture fraction () and progress variable ():


The strained flame speed from the PDF table is then interpolated using the mixture fraction (), strain rate () and cell heat loss parameter (). Generating PDF Lookup Tables Through Automated Grid Refinement

In both the diffusion and premixed FGM models, the automated grid refinement (AGR) can be used for generating the PDF lookup table. For further details about AGR, see Generating Lookup Tables Through Automated Grid Refinement. In the current implementation, the grid points used in the mixture fraction and reaction-progress space are fixed, and they are taken from the flamelet calculation. The grid refinement procedure is conducted in the mixture fraction variance, reaction progress variance, and mean enthalpy space.