8.2.4. Turbulent Flame Speed Models

The key to the premixed combustion model is the prediction of , the turbulent flame speed normal to the mean surface of the flame. The turbulent flame speed is influenced by the following:

  • laminar flame speed, which is, in turn, determined by the fuel concentration, temperature, and molecular diffusion properties, as well as the detailed chemical kinetics

  • flame front wrinkling and stretching by large eddies, and flame thickening by small eddies

Ansys Fluent has two turbulent flame speed models, namely the Zimont turbulent flame speed closure model and the Peters flame speed model. Zimont Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Model

In Ansys Fluent, the Zimont turbulent flame speed closure is computed using a model for wrinkled and thickened flame fronts  [736]:



= model constant
= RMS (root-mean-square) velocity (m/s)
= laminar flame speed (m/s)
= unburnt thermal diffusivity ()
= turbulence length scale (m)
= turbulence time scale (s)
= chemical time scale (s)

The turbulence length scale, , is computed from


where is the turbulence dissipation rate.

The model is based on the assumption of equilibrium small-scale turbulence inside the laminar flame, resulting in a turbulent flame speed expression that is purely in terms of the large-scale turbulent parameters. The default value of 0.52 for is recommended  [736], and is suitable for most premixed flames. The default value of 0.37 for should also be suitable for most premixed flames.

The model is strictly applicable when the smallest turbulent eddies in the flow (the Kolmogorov scales) are smaller than the flame thickness, and penetrate into the flame zone. This is called the thin reaction zone combustion region, and can be quantified by Karlovitz numbers, , greater than unity. is defined as


= characteristic flame time scale
= smallest (Kolmogorov) turbulence time scale
= Kolmogorov velocity
= kinematic viscosity Zimont Turbulent Flame Speed Closure for LES

For simulations that use the LES turbulence model, the Reynolds-averaged quantities in the turbulent flame speed expression (Equation 8–77) are replaced by their equivalent subgrid quantities. In particular, the large eddy length scale is modeled as


where is the Smagorinsky constant and is the cell characteristic length.

The RMS velocity in Equation 8–77 is replaced by the subgrid velocity fluctuation, calculated as


where is the subgrid scale mixing rate (inverse of the subgrid scale time scale), given in Equation 7–41. Flame Stretch Effect

Since industrial low-emission combustors often operate near lean blow-off, flame stretching will have a significant effect on the mean turbulent heat release intensity. To take this flame stretching into account, the source term for the progress variable ( in Equation 8–70) is multiplied by a stretch factor,   [738]. This stretch factor represents the probability that the stretching will not quench the flame; if there is no stretching (), the probability that the flame will be unquenched is 100%.

The stretch factor, , is obtained by integrating the log-normal distribution of the turbulence dissipation rate, :


where is the complementary error function, and and are defined below. For LES, is calculated by:


where is the time scale and is the is subgrid scale​ (SGS) velocity fluctuations, which depends on the SGS closure. For details on how is calculated, refer to Subgrid-Scale Models.

is the standard deviation of the distribution of :


where is the stretch factor coefficient for dissipation pulsation, is the turbulent integral length scale, and is the Kolmogorov micro-scale. The default value of 0.26 for (measured in turbulent non-reacting flows) is recommended by  [736], and is suitable for most premixed flames.

is the turbulence dissipation rate at the critical rate of strain  [736]:


By default, is set to a very high value (1x108) so no flame stretching occurs. To include flame stretching effects, the critical rate of strain should be adjusted based on experimental data for the burner. Numerical models can suggest a range of physically plausible values  [736], or an appropriate value can be determined from experimental data. A reasonable model for the critical rate of strain is


where is a constant (typically 0.5) and is the unburnt thermal diffusivity. Equation 8–87 can be implemented in Ansys Fluent using a property user-defined function. More information about user-defined functions can be found in the Fluent Customization Manual. Wall Damping

High turbulent kinetic energy levels at the walls in some problems can cause an unphysical acceleration of the flame along the wall. In reality, radical quenching close to walls decreases reaction rates and therefore the flame speed, but is not included in the model. To approximate this effect, Ansys Fluent includes a constant multiplier for the turbulent flame speed, ,which modifies the flame speed in the vicinity of wall boundaries:


The default for this constant is 1 which does not change the flame speed. Values of larger than 1 increase the flame speed, while values less than 1 decrease the flame speed in the cells next to the wall boundary.

Ansys Fluent will solve the transport equation for the reaction progress variable (Equation 8–70), computing the source term, , based on the theory outlined above:

(8–89) Peters Flame Speed Model

The Peters model [514] for turbulent flame speed is used in the form proposed by Ewald [167]:




The term is Ewald's corrector and may be disabled by you, in which case and the formulation reduces to that of Peters flame speed model.

In Equation 8–91:

is the laminar flame speed
is the laminar flame thickness
is the turbulent velocity scale
is the flame brush thickness, given below
is an algebraic flame brush thickness
  is a constant with a default value of 1.0
  is a constant with a default value of 2.0
  is a constant with a default value of 0.66
  is a modeling constant taken from the turbulence model with a default value of 0.09
  is a constant with a default value of 2.0
  is the turbulent Schmidt number with a default value of 0.7

If the Blint modifier is being used


= 2.0
= 0.7
is the unburned density
is the burned density

The flame brush thickness is calculated differently for the C-equation and G-equation models.

For the G equation model [514]:


For the C-equation model an algebraic form of this is used giving:


Note that for the C-equation model the Ewald corrector has no affect.

To reduce the flame speed along walls, Ansys Fluent includes a constant multiplier for the turbulent flame speed, , which modifies the flame speed in the vicinity of wall boundaries by multiplying the expression in Equation 8–90 by a constant between 0 and 1. Peters Flame Speed Model for LES

For LES the Peters model [514] for turbulent flame speed must be modified to use the subgrid quantities. Here we use the form derived by Pitsch [521].



where is the thermal diffusivity.

The turbulent velocity scale is the subgrid quantity as given in Equation 8–82.