12.4.1. Inert Heating or Cooling (Law 1/Law 6)

The inert heating or cooling laws (Laws 1 and 6) are applied when the particle temperature is less than the vaporization temperature that you define, , and after the volatile fraction, , of a particle has been consumed. These conditions may be written as

Law 1:


Law 6:


where is the particle temperature, is the initial mass of the particle, and is its current mass.

Law 1 is applied until the temperature of the particle/droplet reaches the vaporization temperature. At this point a non-inert particle/droplet may proceed to obey one of the mass-transfer laws (2, 3, 4, and/or 5), returning to Law 6 when the volatile portion of the particle/droplet has been consumed. (Note that the vaporization temperature, , is an arbitrary modeling constant used to define the onset of the vaporization/boiling/volatilization laws.)

When using Law 1 or Law 6, Ansys Fluent uses a simple heat balance to relate the particle temperature, , to the convective heat transfer and the absorption/emission of radiation at the particle surface:




= mass of the particle (kg)

= heat capacity of the particle (J/kg-K)

= surface area of the particle ()

= local temperature of the continuous phase (K)

= convective heat transfer coefficient ()

= particle emissivity (dimensionless)

= Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 x W/-)

= radiation temperature, (K)

Equation 12–70 assumes that there is negligible internal resistance to heat transfer, that is, the particle is at uniform temperature throughout.

is the incident radiation in W/:


where is the radiation intensity and is the solid angle.

Radiation heat transfer to the particle is included only if you have enabled the P-1 or discrete ordinates radiation heat transfer to particles using the Particle Radiation Interaction option in the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box.

Equation 12–70 is integrated in time using an approximate, linearized form that assumes that the particle temperature changes slowly from one time value to the next:


As the particle trajectory is computed, Ansys Fluent integrates Equation 12–72 to obtain the particle temperature at the next time value, yielding


where is the integration time step and




Ansys Fluent can also solve Equation 12–72 in conjunction with the equivalent mass transfer equation using a stiff coupled solver. See Including Coupled Heat-Mass Solution Effects on the Particles in the User's Guide for details.

The heat transfer coefficient, , is evaluated using the correlation of Ranz and Marshall [542], [543]:



= particle diameter (m)

= thermal conductivity of the continuous phase (W/m-K)

= Reynolds number based on the particle diameter and the relative velocity (Equation 12–3)

Pr = Prandtl number of the continuous phase ()

For inert and combusting particles, the following heat exchange coefficient correlations are available in Ansys Fluent:

  • Constant HTC

    In this method, the volumetric heat transfer coefficient is specified as a constant value.

  • Nusselt number

    In this method, the heat transfer coefficient is computed using the user specified Nusselt number as follows:


  • Tomiyama model

    See Tomiyama Model for details.

  • Ranz-Marshall model (default)

    The model uses Equation 12–76 to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient.

  • Hughmark model

    See Hughmark Model for details.

  • Gunn model (DDPM only)

    See Gunn Model for details.

For more information on how to use these models, see Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Fluent User's Guide.

Finally, the heat lost or gained by the particle as it traverses each computational cell appears as a source or sink of heat in subsequent calculations of the continuous phase energy equation. During Laws 1 and 6, particles/droplets do not exchange mass with the continuous phase and do not participate in any chemical reaction.