7.6. Typical Workflow

The following is a typical workflow, which you can simplify, reorganize, or extend suit your work patterns and objectives:

  1. Start CFD-Post. (Starting CFD-Post)

  2. Load one or more results files. (Load Results Command)

  3. Create expressions (Expressions Workspace) and/or invoke macros (Predefined Macros) to perform the desired numerical processing of results.

  4. Create any new variables that will be used for qualitative display. (Variables Workspace)

  5. Examine the existing locations (wireframe and surface boundaries) and create any additional locators required. (Location Submenu)

  6. For each locator, select visibility, method of coloring, rendering, and transformation.

  7. Create any additional objects (such as lines, vectors, or contours) for quantitative display. (CFD-Post Insert Menu)

  8. For each object, select visibility, method of coloring, rendering, and transformation.

  9. Use the 3D Viewer to explore the graphic objects and produce animations as required. (CFD-Post 3D Viewer)

  10. Create tables of data as required and display in the Table Viewer. (Table Command)

  11. Create any desired charts and display in the Chart Viewer. (Chart Command)

  12. Generate or edit any required titles, legends, or labels (Legend Command and Text Command)

  13. If required, save a picture of the contents in the 3D Viewer. (Save Picture Command)

  14. Display the report in the Report Viewer and/or modify the report as required. (Report Command)

  15. Optionally, publish the report to an HTML file. (Report)

  16. Optionally, save animations. (Sweep Animation)