Chapter 7: CFD-Post Workflow

CFD-Post enables you to qualitatively visualize and quantitatively analyze the processes taking place in a simulation; thus, the general workflow is:

  1. Planning steps:

    1. Decide which variables you want to study (your options are constrained by the variables that were solved in the process of creating the solver results file).

    2. Determine where in the simulation you want to view those variables.

    3. Decide how you want to display those variables, either qualitative displays (such as contour plots and charts) or quantitative analysis and displays (such as tables).

  2. Production steps:

    1. Load the solver results file for the simulation into CFD-Post.

    2. Create any locations, variables, expressions, or functions required.

    3. Optionally, publish the report, picture, or animation that shows the findings of the study to best advantage.