Chapter 12: CFD-Post Insert Menu

The Insert menu in CFD-Post is used to create new objects (such as locators, tables, charts, and so on), variables, and expressions.

A locator is a place or object that another object uses to plot or calculate values. For example, if you were to select a plane from which to start a streamline, the plane would be a locator.

Note:  For both plots and quantitative evaluation, iso clip and user surface locators interpolate values using general (tri-liner) interpolation from mesh nodes to surface nodes. Planes and isosurfaces use more accurate "edge interpolation" for plots and, in Fluent cases, element-to-face interpolation for quantitative evaluation (such as area averages). Similarly, boundaries directly map to mesh nodes or faces. Consequently, quantitative operations on a user surface or on an iso clip that is based on a mesh density location (slice plane, isosurface, or boundary), are not going to evaluate to precisely the same number as the underlying mesh density location.

Note:  For transient blade row cases, transient statistics for boundary-only variables (such as Force, Mass Flow, Heat Flux) are not available on the following postprocessing locators: points, lines, cut-planes, isosurfaces, and iso clips.