8.1. Load Results Command

To load a results file (or files), select File > Load Results and browse to the file you want to load. CFX results files and CFX-Solver input files can be loaded from the Load Results File dialog box. For information on valid results and CFX-Solver input files, see File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post.

The Load Results File dialog box presents you with the following options:

Keep current cases loaded

Controls whether to add to or replace the results that are currently in memory.

If Keep current cases loaded is selected, you can choose Open in new view to see the two cases side-by-side. If you choose to open the new case the same view, the two cases overlap and the title bar of the view displays All cases. However, you can use the Viewer's toolbar to manually display two views, then manually display change All cases to Case 1 in View 1 and Case 2 in View 2. If you have loaded two cases and you select Tools > Compare cases, each case appears in a separate view, with the differences displayed in a third view.

Note:  The Keep current cases loaded option is particularly useful to perform simultaneous postprocessing of both fluid (CFX) and solid (Ansys) results when a two-way Fluid-Structure simulation has been performed.

Note:  Before loading any variable from a results file, CFD-Post deletes from its memory any user-defined variable of the same name.

Open in new view


  • Keep current cases loaded is selected, or multiple results files are selected for loading,


  • Open in new view is selected,

then the new case(s) are opened and displayed in new views, with one view per case, subject to a limit on the number of views that can be displayed together.

Otherwise, no new views are used.

Edit case names

Enables you to change the case name as it appears in the Outline tree. The default case name is the filename (without the file type extension). Changing the case name does not affect the filename in the file system.

Clear user state before loading

Loading a results file causes all domain, boundary, and variable objects associated with the results file to automatically be created or updated by default. This would typically include the wireframe model of the geometry and all the boundary conditions created in CFX-Pre. The data associated with a variable is not loaded until the variable is actually used. Any existing objects (such as planes, vector plots) are plotted using the most recently loaded results, if possible. You can disable this behavior by selecting the Clear user state before loading check box.

Failing to clear the user state will cause CFD-Post to apply the state of the current file to the results file being loaded. For Turbo cases, it is important to ensure that settings such as the number of instances in 360 degrees is correct (or to adjust the setting to be correct after the file is loaded) as CFD-Post does not automatically check to see if the user settings match between files.

Maintain camera position

Controls the loading behavior when you replace one case with another. When selected, the new case loads in the same orientation and size as the initial case; when cleared, the new case opens to fit into the view.

Load CFX Particle Track data

Controls the loading of the particle tracks that exist in the case.

Construct Variables From Fourier Coefficients

Controls the reading of Fourier coefficients from the results of transient blade row cases. When this option is selected, CFD-Post reads Fourier coefficient data from the results, thereby making it possible to apply data instancing (see Data Instancing Tab), which involves deriving solution variables on an expanded domain; only those variables for which Fourier coefficients exist are available for postprocessing. When this option is not selected, only solved results are available for postprocessing; such results exist only within the simulated passage(s) (for which there was a CFD mesh and a solution provided by the solver).

If you want to postprocess both the derived and solved variables for the same results file, you can use the Keep current cases loaded option and load the results twice: once with the Construct Variables From Fourier Coefficients option selected, and once with that option not selected.

Run history and multi-configuration options

These settings control how results are loaded for the following types of results:

  • A results (.res) file containing a run history.

    Such a results file is produced by running the solver using a definition file plus an existing results file (from a previous run) for initial values.

  • A multi-configuration results (.mres) file.

Choose Load only the last results to load:

  • For a results file containing a run history: Only the last results.

  • For a multi-configuration results file: The final results file plus all other previous results files belonging to the same configuration.

Choose Load complete history as > A single case to load:

  • For a results file containing a run history: All of the results history.

  • For a multi-configuration results file: All configurations, as a single case.

In either case, only one set of results appears in the viewer, but you can use the timestep selector to switch between results. This option is not fully supported.

Note:  When multi-configuration files are loaded as a single sequence, the solution expressions (Reference Pressure, and so on) represent the last configuration, regardless of which configuration is currently viewed.

Choose Load complete history as: > Separate cases to load:

  • For a results file containing a run history: The results from this file, and the results from any results file in the run history, as separate cases.

  • For a multi-configuration results file: All configurations, as separate cases.

In either case, each result appears as a separate entry in the tree.

Note:  When loading a multi-configuration results file, the final results file determines whether all configurations have particle tracks. If the physics for each configuration differs significantly, do not use this method of loading files.

  • You can multi-select results files by holding the Ctrl key while you click the filenames.

    For transient results, it is recommended that you load only the case file (Fluent results) or the results file (CFX results). CFD-Post automatically loads all of the other data files corresponding to different time steps and creates the time series. Selecting multiple intermediate transient files would lead to multiple sets of results being loaded; each intermediate transient file would load as a separate set of results.

  • To unload a set of results, right-click the case name in the tree view and select Unload.

  • When a case is unloaded, global variable ranges are not updated.

  • To replace the selected results file with another results file while keeping the state, right-click the case name and select Replace results file. (Reloading the results file through the Load Results panel may not recover the state completely, in particular when Turbo Post is initialized.) Note that the Replace results file function will keep the original case name even though the results file has changed.

Domain Selector Dialog Box

If the results file being loaded contains multiple domains, the Domain Selector dialog box appears and you are prompted to specify which domains to load. Choosing to load only the domains you require will reduce memory usage and can speed processing time.

If you select the Don't show this panel again option, all domains will be loaded automatically on subsequent uses of the Load Results command. Note that you can always re-enable this dialog box from the Edit > Options > Files panel (select Show domain selector before load).

Run Selector Dialog Box

If you load a fluids project file (extension .flprj), the Run Selector dialog box appears.

Set Simulation to the name of the simulation to load, if applicable.

Set Run to the name of the run to load, if applicable.

Set Data Type as applicable. The possible choices are:

  • FLUENT (CFF-Post)

    This option loads the postprocessing data.

  • FLUENT (Solution)

    This option loads the solution (restart) data.

For details on CFF files, see Common Fluids Format (CFF) Files.

Solution Units Dialog Box

When you load CFX files into CFD-Post, the solution units that were used by the CFX-Solver are automatically read from the file. When you load a file that does not store solution units (such as CFX-4 dump files, CFX-TASC files, Fluent files, or Ansys results files), by default the Solution Units dialog box appears and you are prompted to specify the solution units. However, you can enable the Don’t prompt for Solution Units before loading results toggle to suppress this prompt, in which case the default units of kilograms, meters, seconds, Kelvin, and radians will be used.

Once you have specified the units that were used in the results file, CFD-Post can convert those units to your preferred display units.

You set your preferred display units by selecting Edit > Options, then Common > Units from the menu bar; for details, see Setting the Display Units.

Note:  In CFD-Post, the temperature solution units must be an absolute scale (for example, Kelvin [K] or Rankine [R]); you cannot use Celsius and Fahrenheit. Temperature quantities elsewhere in Ansys CFX can be set in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Partial Results Files

When a partial results file is loaded, CFD-Post makes available the variables that exist in the full results file, but do not necessarily exist in the partial results file. Variables that do not exist in partial results files are not applicable to the currently loaded time step and are undefined.

You can optionally choose to use variable values that apply to the nearest full results file by changing an option in the Options dialog box. For details, see Turbo.