45.4. Structural Modeling

The following topics are related to the cyclic symmetry modeling for this problem:

45.4.1. Rotor 67 Fan Blade Modeling

The sector model of a Rotor 67 fan bladed disk is meshed with SOLID186 elements, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 45.7: Element Plot of the Cyclic-Sector Model

Element Plot of the Cyclic-Sector Model

The disk and blade geometries are meshed separately so that the blade elements and the node interface separate the blade from the disk.

The default element settings for SOLID186 are used.

SURF154 elements are created on the surface of the fan blade to apply the pressure load.

45.4.2. Contact Modeling

Bonded (always) surface-to-surface contact pairs are used to define the contact between the disk and the fan blade, shown in the following figure:

Figure 45.8: Bonded Contact Pair Between the Disk and the Fan Blade

Bonded Contact Pair Between the Disk and the Fan Blade

The MPC-based contact algorithm is used for bonded contact.

The contact surface is meshed with CONTA174 elements. The target surface is meshed with TARGE170 elements.