3.2. Coded Database File Commands

In the coded database file Jobname.cdb, most Mechanical APDL commands have the same format they have elsewhere. (See the Command Reference for command-specific information.) However, the format for some commands differs slightly in the Jobname.cdb file. The format for these commands is described below. Commands that use an unblocked format include the label UNBL in one of the command fields.

The CDWRITE command has an UNBLOCKED and a BLOCKED option. The UNBLOCKED option writes all data out in command format. The default BLOCKED option writes certain data items in a fixed format, including those that could potentially contain large amounts of data, such as nodal data.

3.2.1. BFBLOCK Command

BFBLOCK defines a block of nodal body-force loads. This is the recommended method for inputting nodal body-force loads into the Mechanical APDL database. The command syntax is:


The number of fields in the blocked format.


The body-force load label used to describe the block data. (For a list of load labels, see BF.)


The maximum node number defined.


The number of body loads written.

Reserved for future use.


Specifies how to apply nodal body-force loading on the mesh. Valid in a nonlinear adaptivity analysis when Lab = HGEN or TEMP.

0 – Nodal body-force loading occurs on the current mesh (default).
1 – Nodal body-force loading occurs on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.

Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the body-force load block is as follows:

  • Field 1 - Node number.

  • Fields 2-7 - Body-force load values to apply to the node. The number of fields is dependent on the body-force load label. (See BF.)

The final line of the block format is always a BF command with -1 for the node number.

The following example shows a typical BFBLOCK formatted set of body-force loads (using non-tabular input) that define a temperature load (TEMP).

BFBLOCK,2,TEMP,        97,        97,0
        1      300.000000
        2      300.000000
        3      300.000000
       95      300.000000
       96      300.000000
       97      300.000000
BF,end,LOC,       -1,

For an example using tabular input, see the BFEBLOCK command.

In the GUI, the BFBLOCK command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (via CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

The BFBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.2. BFEBLOCK Command

BFEBLOCK defines a block of element body-force loads. This is the recommended method for inputting element body-force loads into the Mechanical APDL database. The command syntax is:


The number of fields in the blocked format.


The body-force load label used to describe the block data. (See BFE for a list of load labels.)


The maximum element number defined.


The number of body loads written.


Key for tabular input:

0 – Non-tabular input.
1 – Tabular input.

Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the body-force load block is as follows:

  • Field 1 - Element number.

  • Field 2 - Starting location for entering data.

  • Fields 3 - Body load value for the specified starting location. (See BFE for information about starting location and associated body-force load values.)

The final line of the block format is always a BFE command with -1 for the element number.

The following example shows a typical BFEBLOCK formatted set of body-force loads (using tabular input) that define a temperature load (TEMP).

BFEBLOCK,3,TEMP,       108,       108,1
         1        1         %BODYFORCE%
         2        1         %BODYFORCE%
         3        1         %BODYFORCE%
       106        1         %BODYFORCE%
       107        1         %BODYFORCE%
       108        1         %BODYFORCE%
BFE,end,LOC,       -1,

The following example shows a typical BFEBLOCK formatted set of body-force loads (using non-tabular input) that define a force load (FORC) with complex input.

BFEBLOCK,3,FORC,       80,       480,0
         1        1 -27.5000000
         1        2  37.5000000
         1        3  47.5000000
         1        4 -22.5000000
         1        5  12.5000000
         1        6  17.5000000
        80        1 -27.5000000
        80        2  37.5000000
        80        3  47.5000000
        80        4 -22.5000000
        80        5  12.5000000
        80        6  17.5000000
BFE,end,LOC,       -1,

In the GUI, the BFEBLOCK command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (via CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

The BFEBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.3. CE Command

CE defines the constant term in a constraint equation. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The type of data to be defined. DEFI is the valid label.


The total number of variable terms in the constraint equation.


The constraint equation reference number.


The constant term of the equation.

Another version of the CE command defines the variable terms in a constraint equation. You must issue this version of the command after the CE command described above. This command repeats until all terms are defined.

The alternate format for the CE command is:


The type of data to be defined. NODE is the valid label.


The node number of the next term.


The degree-of-freedom label of N1.


The coefficient of N1.


The node number of the next term.


The degree-of-freedom label of N2.


The coefficient of N2.

3.2.4. CP Command

CP defines a coupled-node set. You repeat the command until all nodes are defined. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The total number of nodes in the coupled set


The coupled node reference number


The degree of freedom label for the set


The next seven node numbers in the coupled set

3.2.5. CMBLOCK Command

CMBLOCK defines the entities contained in a node or element component. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


Component name (up to 240 characters).


Label identifying the type of component (NODE or ELEMENT).


Number of items written.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Controls how element component contents are updated during nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis:

0 – Component is not updated during remeshing and therefore contains only initial mesh elements (default).
1 – Component is updated during remeshing to contain the updated elements.

This argument is valid only for nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis with Entity = ELEM, and for solid element components only. This argument does not support NLAD-ETCHG analysis.


Data descriptors defining the format. For CMBLOCK this is always (8i10).

The items contained in this component are written at 8 items per line. Additional lines are repeated as needed until all NumItems are defined. If one of the items is less than zero, then the entities from the item previous to this one (inclusive) are part of the component.

The CMBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.6. CYCLIC Command

CYCLIC,CDWR defines the input and output of a cyclic symmetry analysis. The syntax is:


The following describes the values written to the .cdb file for cyclic options CYCLIC,CDWR:

Value1 = 1

Number of cyclic sectors


Number of solutions in cyclic space


Harmonic index of this load


Cyclic coordinate system

< 0 or Static: only solve for given harmonic indices from CYCOPT,HIND
> 0: tolerance for the Fourier load
Value1 = 2

Cyclic edge type (0 = undefined; 1 = areas; 10 = lines; 100 = keypoints; 1000 = nodes)


0 or blank


Maximum possible harmonic index


Force load coordinate system (1 = global coordinate system; 0 = cyclic coordinate system)


Inertia load coordinate system (1 = global coordinate system; 0 = cyclic coordinate system)

Value1 = 3 - 22
Value2 - Value6

Cyclic edge constraint equation/coupling degree of freedom (0 = all available degrees of freedom; otherwise bitmap) for pair IDs 1-5

(Repeat as necessary for other pair IDs (Value1 = 4 - 22))

Value1 = 23 - 30

Cyclic harmonic index bit bins (each bin holds 32 harmonic indices by 5 containers corresponding to Value2 - Value6)

Value2 - Value6

Cyclic harmonic index bits (0 = solve for harmonic index; nonzero values indicate skipped harmonic indices)

Value1 = 31

Max node number in base sector


Max element number in base sector


Number of defined nodes in base sector


Number of defined elements in base sector

Value1 = 32

/CYCEXPAND number of sectors to expand (total)


Number of edge component pairs

Value4 - Value8

/CYCEXPAND number of sectors to expand (per window)

Value1 = 33

Not used

Value1 = 34

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system integer data (part 1)


Theta singularity key


Phi singularity key


Coordinate system type

Value1 = 35

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system integer data (part 2)


Coordinate system number


Not used (defaults to 0)


Not used (defaults to 0)

Value1 = 36

Number of user-defined cyclic edge pair components


Rotate cyclic edge nodes into cyclic coordinate system (0 = rotate edge nodes (default); 1 = do not rotate edge nodes)


NLGEOM flag (0 = no NLGEOM effects (default); 1 = include NLGEOM effects)


Sector edge display key (-1 = suppresses display of edges between sectors even if the cyclic count varies between active windows; 0 = averages stresses or strains across sector boundaries. This value is the default (although the default reverts to 1 or ON if the cyclic count varies between active windows); 1 = no averaging of stresses or strains occurs and sector boundaries are shown on the plot)

Value1 = 101

Sector angle (degrees)


XYZ tolerance input for matching low/high nodes


Angle tolerance for matching low/high nodes (degrees)


Tolerance in the element coordinate system for unequal meshes

Value1 = 102 - 104

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system double precision data (part 1)

Value2 - Value4

Coordinate system transformation matrix (total of 9 values)

Value1 = 105

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system double precision data (part 2)

Value2 - Value4

Origin location (XYZ)

Value1 = 106

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system double precision data (part 3)


Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If CSYS = 1 or 2, Value2 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle))


Used for spheroidal systems. If CSYS = 2, Value3 is the ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle))

Value1 = 107

Cyclic CSYS coordinate system double precision data (part 4)


First rotation about local Z (positive X toward Y)


Second rotation about local X (positive Y toward Z)


Third rotation about local Y (positive Z toward X)

Value1 = 121

Root of component names defining low and high ranges

Value1 = 122

Cyclic low/high xref array parameter name (node)

Value1 = 123

Cyclic low/high xref array parameter name (line)

Value1 = 124

Cyclic low/high xref array parameter name (area)

Value1 = 125

The component name of the elements to expand (see /CYCEXPAND,,WHAT)

Value1 = 201

Total number of modes extracted during a cyclic modal solve. This value is only available after call to CYCCALC.


Mode superposition flag to limit results written to .MODE and .RST files


Excitation engine order

Value1 = 202

Type of mistuning (1 = stiffness; 2 = mass; 3 = both; -1 = use user macro CYCMSUPUSERSOLVE)


Cyclic mode superposition restart flag (1 = new frequency sweep; 2 = new mistuning parameters; -1 = form blade superelement and stop)


Cyclic mode superposition key to perform complex modal analysis of reduced system


Number of CMS modes for mistuned reduced order model (see CYCFREQ,BLADE)

Value1 = 203

Array name for aerodynamic coupling coefficients

Value1 = 204


Value1 = 205

The name of the nodal component containing the blade boundary nodes at the blade-to-disk interface (see CYCFREQ,BLADE). This is used for cyclic mode superposition analyses that include mistuning or aero coupling.

Value1 = 206

The name of the element component containing the blade superelements (see CYCFREQ,BLADE). This is used for cyclic mode superposition analyses that include mistuning or aero coupling.

Value1 = 207

The name of the array holding stiffness mistuning parameters

Value1 = 208


Value1 = 209

Rotational velocity from the base linear perturbation analysis.


X-component of rotational velocity


Y-component of rotational velocity


Z-component of rotational velocity

Value1 = 210

Beginning of frequency range for CMS modes (see CYCFREQ,BLADE). This is used for cyclic mode superposition analyses that include mistuning or aero coupling.


End of frequency range for CMS modes (see CYCFREQ,BLADE). This is used for cyclic mode superposition analyses that include mistuning or aero coupling.

Value1 = 211

Number of modes for a cyclic mode superposition damped modal solve


Beginning of frequency range for cyclic mode superposition damped modal solve


End of frequency range for cyclic mode superposition damped modal solve

3.2.7. EBLOCK Command

EBLOCK defines a block of elements. The command syntax is:


For SOLID and COMPACT formats, the number of real integers to be read in the first line of an element. For the (blank) format, it is the number of nodes to be read in that first line.



The element is part of a solid format where Field 8 (the element shape flag) may be left at zero, and Field 9 is the number of nodes defining this element.


The element is part of a compact format where Field 1 is the element number, and the rest are the node numbers.


The list near the bottom for the (blank) format, without the SOLID or COMPACT keyword, states its fields' values.


The maximum element number defined.


The number of selected elements.


Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the element block is as follows for the SOLID format:

  • Field 1 - The material number.

  • Field 2 - The element type number.

  • Field 3 - The real constant number.

  • Field 4 - The section ID attribute (beam section) number.

  • Field 5 - The element coordinate system number.

  • Field 6 - The birth/death flag.

  • Field 7 - The solid model reference number.

  • Field 8 - The element shape flag.

  • Field 9 - The number of nodes defining this element if KEY = SOLID; otherwise, Field 9 = 0.

  • Field 10 - Not used.

  • Field 11 - The element number.

  • Fields 12-19 - The node numbers. The next line will have the additional node numbers if there are more than eight.

The format of the element block is as follows for the COMPACT format:

  • Field 1 - The element number.

  • Fields 2 - NUM - The node numbers. The next line will contain the additional node numbers if there are more than NUM - 1 nodes.

Note:  Specify the following values before using EBLOCK with the COMPACT format, noting that all elements of a single compact EBLOCK use the same set of values. If they are not specified, its elements will use the values’ current numbers instead.

  • Material number

  • Element type number

  • Real constant number

  • Section ID attribute (beam section) number

  • Element coordinate system number

The format without the SOLID or COMPACT keyword is:

  • Field 1 - The element number.

  • Field 2 - The type of section ID.

  • Field 3 - The real constant number.

  • Field 4 - The material number.

  • Field 5 - The element coordinate system number.

  • Fields 6-15 - The node numbers. The next line will have the additional node numbers if there are more than ten.

The final line of the block is -1 in field 1.

In the GUI, the EBLOCK command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (via CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

The EBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.8. EN Command

EN is used to define an element . If an element contains more than eight nodes, the EN command is repeated until all nodes are defined. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The type of data to be defined. Valid labels are ATTR (read in element attributes), and NODE (read in nodes defining the element).


The number of nodes.


The integer values to be read:

  • If Type is ATTR, the integer values are the element attributes. Attributes are in the order: NUMN,MAT,TYPE,REAL,SECNUM,ESYS,NUMELEM,SOLID,DEATH,EXCLUDE

  • If Type is NODE, the integer values are the node numbers.

3.2.9. ETBLOCK Command

ETBLOCK defines a block of element types and corresponding KEYOPT values. This is the recommended method for inputting element types and KEYOPT values into the Mechanical APDL database. The command syntax is:


The number of element types defined.


The maximum element type number defined.


Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the element type block is as follows:

  • Field 1 - An arbitrary local element type number.

  • Field 2 - Element identification number as given in the element library (for example, 288 for PIPE288).

  • Fields 3-20 - KEYOPT values (1 through 18) as defined for the specified element type. Entering a blank sets the KEYOPT to its default value as shown in the example below.

  • Field 21 - INOPR value (see definition in the ET command). INOPR = 1 means element solution printout is suppressed. Enter a blank to set the INOPR to its default value.

The final line of the block is -1 in field 1.

The following example shows a typical ETBLOCK formatted set of element types.

       1  285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0
       2  173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       3  170 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
       4  173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       5  170 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

In the GUI, the ETBLOCK command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (via CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

The ETBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.10. LOCAL Command

LOCAL defines a local coordinate system. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The type of data to be defined. Valid labels are LOC (read in system origin), ANG (read in rotation angles), and PRM (read in system parameters).


The coordinate system reference number.


The coordinate system type (0, 1, 2, or 3).


Values to be read:

  • If Type is LOC, values are the system origin in global Cartesian coordinates.

  • If Type is ANG, values are the rotation angles in degrees.

  • If Type is PRM, values are the first and second parameters of the system.

3.2.11. M Command

M defines a master degree of freedom. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The node number


The degree-of-freedom label

3.2.12. MPDATA Command

MPDATA defines a material property data table. You repeat the command until all properties are defined. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The total number of temperatures in the table.


The material property label. (For valid labels, see MP.)


The material reference number.


The starting location in the table for the next three property values.


Property values assigned to three locations in the table starting at STLOC.

3.2.13. MPTEMP Command

MPTEMP defines a temperature table. You repeat the command until all temperature values are defined. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The total number of temperatures in the table


The starting location in the table for the next three temperature values


Temperatures assigned to three locations in the table starting at STLOC

3.2.14. N Command

If the UNBLOCKED option is used with CDWRITE, then N defines a node. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The type of data to be defined. Valid labels are LOC (read in coordinates) and ANG (read in rotation angles).


The node number.


The solid model reference key. Not present for Type= ANG.


Line parameter value (0 if not on line). Not present for Type= ANG.


Values to be read:

  • If Type is LOC, values are the coordinates in the global Cartesian system.

  • If Type is ANG, values are the rotation angles in degrees.

3.2.15. NBLOCK Command

NBLOCK defines a block of nodes. This is the recommended method for inputting nodes into the Mechanical APDL database. The command syntax is:


The number of fields in the blocked format.


The solid model key. The node is part of a solid model if the keyword SOLID appears here.


The maximum node defined.


The number of nodes written.


Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the node block is as follows:

  • Field 1 - Node number.

  • Field 2 - The solid model entity (if any) in which the node exists (if SOLID key).

  • Field 3 - The line location (if the node exists on a line and if SOLID key).

  • Field 4 - 6 - The nodal coordinates.

  • Field 7 - 9 - The rotation angles (if NUMFIELD > 3).

Only the last nonzero coordinate/rotation is output; any trailing zero values are left blank.

The final line of the block is always an N command using a -1 for the node number.

The following example shows a typical NBLOCK formatted set of node information. Note that this example has no rotational data. It contains only the first six fields.

NBLOCK,6,SOLID,       849,       723
        1        0        0 8.7423930292124E-001 7.1843141243360E-001 8.2435547360131E-001
        3        0        0 9.2314873336026E-001 9.3459943382943E-001 4.8406643591666E-001
        4        0        0 1.1410427242574E+000 7.6883495387624E-001 2.5867801436812E-001
      847        0        0 6.2146469267794E-001 8.0122597436764E-001 8.1352232529497E-001
      848        0        0 8.1179373384170E-001 6.6711479947438E-001 7.6547291135454E-001
      849        0        0 7.4952223718564E-001 7.6089019544242E-001 7.4112247735703E-001
N,UNBL,LOC,       -1,

In the GUI, the NBLOCK command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

The NBLOCK command is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.16. *PREAD Command


Alphanumeric name to identify this parameter.


Number of values.


Data descriptor defining the format of the subsequent lines (as needed). The format is always (4g20.13).

3.2.17. R Command

R defines a real constant set. You repeat the command until all real constants for this set are defined. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The real constant set reference number.


The type of data to be defined. LOC is the valid label.


The starting location in the table for the next three constants.


Real constant values assigned to three locations in the table starting at STLOC.

3.2.18. RLBLOCK Command

RLBLOCK defines a real constant set. The real constant sets follow each set, starting with Format1 and followed by one or more Format2's, as needed. The command format is:


The number of real constant sets defined


Maximum real constant set number


Maximum number of reals in any one set


Number of reals defined on a line


Data descriptor defining the format of the first line. For RLBLOCK, this value is always (2i8,6g16.9). The first i8 is the set number, the second i8 is the number of values in this set, followed by up to six real constant values.


Data descriptors defining the format of the subsequent lines (as needed); this is always (7g16.9).

The real constant sets follow, with each set starting with Format1, and followed by one or more Format2's as needed.

RLBLOCK is not valid in a *DO loop.

3.2.19. SE Command

SE defines a superelement. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The name (case-sensitive) of the file containing the original superelement matrix created by the generation pass (Sename.SUB).


Tolerance for determining whether use-pass nodes are noncoincident with master nodes having the same node numbers. Default = 0.0001.


Element type number.


Element number.

This command command also appears in the Command Reference. The format shown here contains information specific to the CDREAD/CDWRITE file.

3.2.20. SECBLOCK Command

SECBLOCK for Beams

SECBLOCK retrieves all mesh data for a user-defined beam section as a block of data. You repeat the command for each beam section that you want to read. The command format is:


The First Line section. The first value is the number of nodes, and the second is the number of cells.


The Cells Section. The first 9 values are the cell connectivity nodes. The 10th (last) value is the material ID (MAT).


The Nodes Section. This section contains as many lines as there are nodes. In this example, there are 27 nodes, so a total of 27 lines would appear in this section. Each node line contains the node's boundary flag, the Y coordinate of the node, and the Z coordinate of the node. Currently, all node boundary flags appear as 0s in a cell mesh file. Because all node boundary flags are 0, SECBLOCK ignores them when it reads a cell mesh file.

Sample User Section Cell Mesh File

Following is a sample excerpt from a custom section mesh file for a section with 27 nodes, 4 cells, and 9 nodes per cell:

First Line:
27   4
Cells Section:
      1   3   11   9    2   6    10   4    5    2
      7   9   23   21   8   16   22   14   15   1
      9   11  25   23   10  18   24   16   17   1
      11  13  27   25   12  20   26   18   19   1
Nodes Section:
0     0.0          0.0
0     0.025        0.0
0     0.05         0.0
0     5.0175       0.0
0     19.98        10.00
0     20.00        10.00

SECBLOCK for Shells

SECBLOCK can retrieve data for shell sections. The command format is:


Total number of layers. The second line (TKn, MATn, THETAn, NUMPTn) is repeated N times (once for each layer).


Layer thickness for layer number n


Material ID for layer number n (defaults to element material ID)


Layer orientation angle for layer number n


Number of integration points in layer number n

SECBLOCK is not valid in a *DO loop.

SECBLOCK for Reinforcing Elements

SECBLOCK writes data for reinforcing elements and members generated by the EREINF or EEMBED command as a block of data. The formats vary based on the shape and order of reinforcing elements (REINF263, REINF264, or REINF265). Repeat the command for each reinforcing member and element that you want to read. The command format is:


Total number of reinforcing members


ID of section sub-type


Minimum number of corner points for each reinforcing member


The first number is the reinforcing element ID. The next 10 numbers are a summary of input section data (global ID, material ID, ESYS ID, nominal thickness or area, orientation angle, section control data, member volume, and MESH200 element ID). MESH200 element ID is not saved if this section is generated by EEMBED command.

The next 9 numbers represent the natural coordinates of corner points with respect to the base element. The numbers written varies based on the shape of the reinforcing member as listed below.

Shape of reinforcing memberNumbers
linear line6
high-order line or linear triangle9

The 18th number is also used as a flag for the actual shape of each member. If this member includes more than 2 corner points or mid-side points, this flag is encoded in the natural coordinate.


Format2 is written only for the following reinforcing member shapes:

  • high-order triangular,

  • low-order or high-order quadrilateral.

The first number is negative. It is the reinforcing element ID, and it is used as a flag to indicate the start of Format2.

3.2.21. SFBEAM Command

SFBEAM defines a surface load on selected beam elements. Remaining values associated with this specification are on a new input line with a 4(1pg16.9) format. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The element number.


The load key associated with these surface loads.


A label indicating the type of surface load. PRES (for pressure) is the only valid label.


Offset distance from node I.


Offset distance from node J.

3.2.22. SFE Command

If the UNBLOCKED option is used with CDWRITE, then SFE defines a surface load. Values associated with this specification are on a new input line with a 4(1pg16.9) format. The command format in Jobname.cdb is:


The element number.


The load key associated with this surface load.


A label indicating the type of surface load. (For a list of load labels, see SFE.)


A value key. The possible values and meaning of each value depend on the specified load label. (See the KVAL argument of SFE for a list of value keys based on load label.)

3.2.23. SFEBLOCK Command

SFEBLOCK defines a block of element surface loads. This is the recommended method for inputting element surface loads into the Mechanical APDL database. The command syntax is:


The number of fields in the blocked format.


The surface load label used to describe the block data. (For a list of load lables, see SFE.)


The maximum element number defined.


The number of surface loads written.


Key for tabular input:

0 – Non-tabular input.
1 – Tabular input.

Reserved for future use.


Specifies how to apply normal pressure loading on the mesh. Valid in a nonlinear adaptivity analysis when Lab = PRES.

0 – Pressure loading occurs on the current mesh (default).

1 – Pressure loading occurs on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.


Data descriptors defining the format.

The format of the surface load block is as follows:

  • Field 1 - Element number.

  • Fields 2 - Load key or face number associated with the surface load.

  • Fields 3 - Value key. (See the KVAL argument of SFE for a list of value keys based on load label.)

  • Fields 4-7 - Surface load values to apply to each element.

The final line of the block format is always an SFE command with -1 for the element number.

The following example shows a typical SFEBLOCK formatted set of body-force loads (using non-tabular input) that define a convection load (CONV) characterized by film coefficient and bulk temperature.

SFEBLOCK,4,CONV,         5,        24,0
        3   1   1  10.0000000      10.0000000      0.00000000      0.00000000    
        3   1   2  300.000000      300.000000      0.00000000      0.00000000    
        4   1   1  6.50000000      6.50000000      0.00000000      0.00000000    
        4   1   2  146.153800      146.153800      0.00000000      0.00000000    
        5   1   1  3.50000000      3.50000000      0.00000000      0.00000000    
        5   1   2  300.000000      300.000000      0.00000000      0.00000000    
SFE,end,LOC,       -1,

In the GUI, SFEBLOCK must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (via CDREAD, /INPUT, or other commands).

SFEBLOCK is not valid in a *DO loop.