4.1. Reviewing Results in POST1

In the POST1 general postprocessor, only one substep at a time can be read, and the results from that substep must exist in the Jobname.rst file. The load step option command OUTRES controls which substep results are stored in Jobname.rst.

To review results in POST1:

  • The database must contain the same model for which the solution was calculated.

  • The Jobname.rst results file must be available.

A typical POST1 postprocessing sequence follows:

1.Verify from your output file (Jobname.out) whether the analysis converged at all load steps.If not, you will likely not wish to postprocess the results, other than to determine why convergence failed. If your solution converged, then continue postprocessing.---
2.Enter the POST1 postprocessor. If your model is not currently in the database, first issue a RESUME command. /POST1
3.Read the results for the desired load step and substep.You can identify them by load step and substep numbers or by time. SET
4.View the results.

Use any of these options:

Display the deformed shape. PLDISP
Display contours of stresses, strains, or any other applicable item. PLNSOL or PLESOL
Optional: Examine tabular listings.
PRNSOL (nodal results),
PRESOL (element-by-element results),
PRRSOL (reaction data),
PRITER (substep summary data, etc.)
Optional: Animate the motion of the flexible multibody mechanism results over time. ANTIME

Many other postprocessing functions are available in POST1. For more information, see The General Postprocessor (POST1) in the Basic Analysis Guide.

Load case combinations are not usually applicable to nonlinear analyses.