4.2. Reviewing Results in POST26

You can review the load-history response of a nonlinear structure using POST26, the time-history postprocessor (/POST26). Use POST26 to compare one Mechanical APDL variable to another. For example, you could graph the relative rotation of a joint element versus time or any other variable.

A typical POST26 postprocessing sequence for a flexible multibody analysis is similar to the sequence for a typical nonlinear analysis, as follows:

1.Verify from your output file (Jobname.out) whether the analysis converged at all load steps.Do not base design decisions on unconverged results. If your solution converged, continue postprocessing.---
2.Enter the POST26 postprocessor. If your model is not currently in the database, first issue a RESUME command. /POST26
3.Define the variables to be used in your postprocessing session.The SOLU command causes various iteration and convergence parameters to be read into the database, where you can incorporate them into your postprocessing.
4.Graph or list the variables.---
PLVAR (graph),
PRVAR (list),
EXTREM (list)

Many other postprocessing functions are available in POST26. For more information, see The Time-History Postprocessor (POST26) in the Basic Analysis Guide.