6.2. Multistage results

The following /POST1 results are available in a multistage analysis:

Since the expanded multistage system includes the nodes and elements for the expanded system, it is possible to normally postprocess all expanded stages and sectors.

If a multistage analysis having only one stage is performed and mode pairs at a single frequency exist, it is possible to compute maximum values of displacement/stress for these modes using the MAXCYCMODE command. For more details, see Comparison using the MAXCYCMODE command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

For a multistage MSUP harmonic analysis, you must perform an expansion pass (EXPASS,ON) before the multistage cyclic expansion (MSOPT,EXPA) to see the harmonic response results.

The following results are available as a function of frequency for a harmonic response multistage analysis in the POST26 time-history postprocessor (/POST26):

Note that only base and duplicate sectors results are available in POST26. To obtain the response in a given sector of the stage, you must combine base and duplicate sector results as shown in the following example snippet. See Equation 3–2 in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

Example 6.1: Snippet demonstrating how to obtain sector results

Nodal results in POST26 cannot be computed for each sector using NSOL,,,,,,SECTOR. However, you can capture this type of information using a series of Mechanical APDL commands. The following snippet shows how to obtain results in sector 3 for UX, UY, and UZ using the nodal solution from the base and duplicate sectors.

HI = 5             ! harmonic index of stage being expanded
Nsec  = 21         ! number of sectors of stage being expanded
alpSec = 360/Nsec  ! sector angle of stage being expanded
n = 3              ! sector number of desired output
nd0 = 10           ! node 10 is on the base sector
nd0dup = 40        ! node 40 is on the duplicate sector at the same location as node 10
nsol,2,nd0,u,x     ! stage of interest sector results - base
nsol,5,nd0dup,u,x  ! stage of interest sector results - dupl
prod,22, 2,,,,,, cos((n-1)*HI*alpSec)  ! results in sector 3
prod,25, 5,,,,,,-sin((n-1)*HI*alpSec)
add,32,22,25                           ! sector 3 UX results stored in variable 32
prod,23, 3,,,,,, cos((n-1)*HI*alpSec)
prod,26, 6,,,,,,-sin((n-1)*HI*alpSec)
add,33,23,26                           ! sector 3 UY results stored in variable 33
prod,24, 4,,,,,, cos((n-1)*HI*alpSec)
prod,27, 7,,,,,,-sin((n-1)*HI*alpSec)
add,34,24,27                           ! sector 3 UZ results stored in variable 34