Chapter 3: Crack-Initiation and -Growth Simulation, Interface Delamination, and Fatigue Crack-Growth

Crack-initiation simulation and crack-growth simulation in homogenous and composite structures are necessary for structural-integrity assessments. Cracks are born at weak locations of structures when local deformations and stresses exceed critical values. Initialized and preexisting cracks may propagate when certain loading conditions are reached or when certain localized conditions are met.

Cracks may also propagate along the interface between the layers of a composite structure (interfacial delamination). In case where structures are subject to cyclic loading, it is useful to understand the interaction between the crack-extension rate and the number of load cycles.

Mechanical APDL offers the following fracture-analysis technologies:


    Crack-initiation and -growth occur in the separation process of crack surfaces, implying that the crack geometry changes. The most direct simulation method uses a remeshing technique to accommodate the changes in the fracture process. Mechanical APDL Separating, Morphing, Adaptive and Remeshing Technology (SMART) provides remeshing-based tools for automated crack-growth simulation in structural components.

    A key component of the technology is crack representation during crack-growth. SMART uses a combination of automated morphing, adaptive, and remeshing techniques to accommodate crack changes.

    SMART can model both static and fatigue crack-growth.

  • VCCT

    For crack-growth along the interfaces, the VCCT-based crack-growth simulation has become a widely used technique for simulating interface delamination of laminate composites. The technique is also well suited for modeling the fracture process in a homogeneous medium, as fracture can be considered a separation process between two surfaces.

  • CZM

    Use the cohesive zone model (CZM) to simulate interface delamination and other fracture phenomena. This approach introduces failure mechanisms by using the hardening-softening relationships between the separations and incorporating the corresponding tractions across the interface.

    This technique is also well suited for modeling the fracture process in a homogeneous medium. An interface delamination and failure simulation is performed by first separating the model into two components or groups of elements, then defining a cohesive zone between the two groups. You can model interface delamination with either interface elements or contact elements (debonding).

  • XFEM

    XFEM-based crack-growth simulation method simulates crack-growth along an arbitrary path in linear elastic homogeneous materials. The technique provides a good engineering approach to crack-growth simulation and avoids remeshing of crack-tip regions.

    Engineering structures often operate under cyclic loads, where the loads remain below critical limits. Existing cracks in such structures can propagate, causing extensive damage. XFEM offers a convenient approach to modeling fatigue crack-growth problems.