D Commands

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D - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes.
DA - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints on areas.
DADELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints on an area.
DALIST - Lists the DOF constraints on an area.
DAMORPH - Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements.
DAMPOPT - Sets damped eigensolver options.
DATA - Reads data records from a file into a variable.
DATADEF - Specifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status topic.
/DBDECRYPT - Controls decryption of material data in the database file.
/DBENCRYPT - Controls encryption of material data in the database file.
DCGOMG - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin.
DCUM - Specifies that DOF constraint values are to be accumulated.
DDASPEC - Specifies the shock spectrum computation constants for DDAM analysis.
DDELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints.
DDOPTION - Sets domain decomposer option for a distributed-memory parallel (DMP) solution.
DEACT - Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic.
/DECRYPT - Controls decryption of command input.
DEFINE - Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.
*DEL - Deletes a parameter or parameters (GUI).
DELETE - Specifies sets in the results file to be deleted before postprocessing.
/DELETE - Deletes a file.
DELTIM - Specifies the time step sizes to be used for the current load step.
DEMORPH - Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements.
DERIV - Differentiates a variable.
DESIZE - Controls default element sizes.
DESOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.
DETAB - Modifies element table results in the database.
/DEVICE - Controls graphics device options.
/DFLAB - Changes degree-of-freedom labels for user custom elements.
DFLX - Imposes a uniform magnetic flux B on an edge-element electromagnetic model.
DFSWAVE - Specifies the incident planar waves with random phases for a diffuse sound field.
*DIM - Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
/DIRECTORY - Put the file names in the current directory into a string parameter array.
DISPLAY - Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic.
/DIST - Specifies the viewing distance for magnifications and perspective.
DJ - Specifies boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.
DJDELE - Deletes boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.
DJLIST - Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements.
DK - Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.
DKDELE - Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.
DKLIST - Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints.
DL - Defines DOF constraints on lines.
DLDELE - Deletes DOF constraints on a line.
DLIST - Lists DOF constraints.
DLLIST - Lists DOF constraints on a line.
*DMAT - Creates a dense matrix.
DMPEXT - Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency range.
DMPOPTION - Specifies distributed-memory parallel (DMP) file combination options.
DMPRAT - Sets a modal damping ratio.
DMPSTR - Sets constant structural damping data.
DNSOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node.
*DO - Defines the beginning of a do-loop.
DOF - Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set.
DOFSEL - Selects a DOF label set for reference by other commands.
DOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure.
*DOT - Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors.
*DOWHILE - Loops repeatedly through the next *ENDDO command.
DSCALE - Scales DOF constraint values.
/DSCALE - Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.
DSPOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver.
DSUM - Specifies the double sum mode combination method.
DSYM - Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on nodes.
DSYS - Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots.
DTRAN - Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model.
DUMP - Dumps the contents of a binary file.
/DV3D - Sets 3D device option modes.
DVAL - Defines values at enforced motion base.
DVMORPH - Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements.
DYNOPT - Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.