Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Keypoint for which constraint is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected keypoints (KSEL). If KPOI = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for KPOI.


Valid degree of freedom label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); WARP (warping). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature). Acoustic labels: PRES (pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (displacements for FSI coupled elements). Electric label: VOLT (voltage). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).


Deletes the degree of freedom constraints (and all corresponding finite element constraints) at a keypoint. See the DDELE command for details.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All KPs
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Keypoints