Specifies a global identifier for a set of MESH200 elements.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


An integer for identifying a set of MESH200 elements used in a reinforcing analysis. Default = 1.


VAL is a global identifier that you assign to a set of MESH200 elements in a reinforcing analysis. The command is valid only when using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing.

The global identifier that you specify is transferred to the reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) when they are generated (EREINF).

Issue EGID before generating the MESH200 elements.

If necessary, you can change the global identifier for an existing set of MESH200 elements (EMODIF).

For more information about using this command in a mesh-independent reinforcing analysis, see Selecting and Displaying Groups of Reinforcing Members in the Structural Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.